Project – Impact of Christian education and Discipleship in the Church

Project – Impact of Christian education and Discipleship in the Church



  • Background to the Study

Christian education and discipleship play a significant role in the church, shaping the spiritual growth and development of its members. According to Pazmiño (2008), Christian education is a process of inviting others into a discipleship to Jesus Christ in a manner that leads to Christian faith as a living, serving knowledge. It is a transformative process that involves learning and practicing what Jesus taught, thereby fostering spiritual growth and maturity. This education is not limited to biblical knowledge but extends to the application of these teachings in daily life.

Discipleship, on the other hand, is a lifelong journey of aligning one’s values and actions to the teachings of Jesus Christ. As Hull (2006) points out, discipleship is about making disciples who make disciples, creating a ripple effect that spreads the teachings of Christ throughout the community. This process is integral to the church’s mission of spreading the gospel and nurturing believers in their faith journey. Discipleship, therefore, is not just about personal spiritual growth but also about contributing to the growth of others.

The impact of Christian education and discipleship in the church is profound. According to Wilhoit & Dettoni (1995), these processes foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Bible, enhance the spiritual maturity of believers, and promote a sense of community among church members. They also equip believers with the necessary tools to navigate life’s challenges from a Christian perspective, thereby influencing their moral and ethical decisions.

Moreover, Christian education and discipleship have a transformative effect on the church community. As believers grow in their faith, they become more committed to the church’s mission and values, leading to increased participation in church activities and outreach programs (Peace, 1999). This not only strengthens the church community but also extends its influence in the wider society.

However, the effectiveness of Christian education and discipleship depends on the strategies employed by the church. According to Burgess & Green (2011), churches need to adopt a holistic approach that integrates biblical teachings with practical life experiences. This involves creating opportunities for experiential learning, fostering a supportive community, and providing resources for continuous spiritual growth.

Christian education and discipleship have a significant impact on the church, influencing not only the spiritual growth of individual believers but also the overall health and vitality of the church community. Therefore, churches need to invest in effective education and discipleship programs to nurture believers in their faith journey and fulfill their mission in the world.

  • Statement of the Problem

The problem of the impact of Christian education and discipleship in the church is multifaceted and complex. The first issue is the lack of comprehensive understanding and appreciation of the role of Christian education and discipleship in the church. Many church members, and even some leaders, do not fully grasp the importance of these elements in spiritual growth and development. This lack of understanding can lead to a lack of emphasis on Christian education and discipleship, which can, in turn, hinder the spiritual growth of the church community.

The second issue is the lack of resources and training for Christian education and discipleship. Many churches, especially smaller ones, struggle to provide adequate resources for Christian education, such as Sunday school materials, Bible study guides, and discipleship programs. Additionally, many church leaders and volunteers lack the necessary training to effectively lead these programs, which can result in a lack of depth and effectiveness in Christian education and discipleship.

The third issue is the challenge of engaging the younger generation in Christian education and discipleship. Many young people today are disengaged from the church and do not see the relevance of Christian education and discipleship in their lives. This disengagement can lead to a lack of spiritual growth and a disconnect from the church community.

The fourth issue is the impact of societal and cultural changes on Christian education and discipleship. The church is not immune to the influences of society and culture, and these influences can sometimes conflict with the teachings and values of Christian education and discipleship. This conflict can create confusion and tension within the church community, and can also impact the effectiveness of Christian education and discipleship.

The fifth issue is the lack of research on the impact of Christian education and discipleship in the church. While there is some research on this topic, it is not extensive and does not cover all aspects of Christian education and discipleship. This lack of research makes it difficult to fully understand the impact of these elements in the church and to develop effective strategies for improving them.

The sixth issue is the lack of a clear and consistent definition of Christian education and discipleship. Different churches and denominations have different understandings and practices of Christian education and discipleship, which can lead to confusion and inconsistency. This lack of a clear and consistent definition can hinder the effectiveness of Christian education and discipleship in the church.

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine impact of Christian education and Discipleship in the Church. The specific objectives are:

  1. To examine the role of Christian education in promoting spiritual growth and maturity in the church.
  2. To investigate the influence of discipleship on the moral and ethical behavior of church members.
  3. To assess the impact of Christian education and discipleship on the overall growth and development of the church.
  4. To explore the relationship between Christian education, discipleship, and the level of commitment and participation of church members.
  • Research Questions

The research questions buttressed below:

  1. How does Christian education promote spiritual growth and maturity in the church?
  2. What is the influence of discipleship on the moral and ethical behavior of church members?
  3. What is the impact of Christian education and discipleship on the overall growth and development of the church?
  4. Is there a relationship between Christian education, discipleship, and the level of commitment and participation of church members?
  • Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Christian education cannot promote spiritual growth and maturity in the Church

H1: Christian education can promote spiritual growth and maturity in the Church

  • Significance of the Study

Christian education and discipleship play a significant role in the Church. They are foundational to the spiritual growth and development of believers.

Christian education, often facilitated through Sunday school classes, Bible studies, or other church programs, provides a structured way to learn about the Bible, theology, and Christian principles. This education helps individuals understand their faith more deeply, equips them to engage thoughtfully with different worldviews, and prepares them to serve others effectively.

Discipleship, on the other hand, is more about the relational aspect of faith. It involves mentoring, modeling Christian behavior, and encouraging spiritual growth in a more personal and direct way. Discipleship often happens in small groups or one-on-one relationships, and it’s where the teachings of Christian education are often applied in practical ways.

Together, Christian education and discipleship help to build a strong, vibrant church community. They foster a deeper understanding and commitment to Christian values, encourage active participation in the church and community, and help individuals to grow in their personal relationship with God.

However, the impact can vary depending on the specific context, such as the denomination, the cultural setting, and the individual’s personal journey of faith.

  • Scope of the Study

The study examines the Impact of Christian education and Discipleship in the Church. The study is limited to selected Pentecostal Churches in Lagos, Nigeria.

 Operational Definition of Terms

  1. Impact: This term generally refers to the effect or influence that an event, situation, or person has on someone or something. In the context of your question, it would refer to the influence or effect that Christian education and discipleship have on the Church.
  2. Christian Education: This is a process of learning based on the Christian faith. It involves teaching and learning practices that are guided by Christian principles and beliefs. It’s often conducted through Sunday schools, Bible studies, and Christian schools or colleges. The aim is to help individuals understand the Christian faith and develop a personal relationship with God.
  3. Discipleship: In a Christian context, discipleship refers to the process of teaching someone to follow the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. It’s about nurturing a personal, lifelong commitment to Christ, which involves not just learning about the faith, but also living it out in daily life. Discipleship is often seen as a journey of spiritual growth and maturity.
  4. Church: In a broad sense, the Church refers to all the people around the world who believe in Jesus Christ. It’s a spiritual community of believers, also known as the body of Christ. In a narrower sense, a church can also refer to a local congregation or a physical building where Christians gather for worship, fellowship, and other religious activities.

Project – Impact of Christian education and Discipleship in the Church