Project – Character Development as a tool for building the 21st century Church

Project – Character Development as a tool for building the 21st century Church



  • Background to the Study

The Christian religion, specifically the Roman Catholic Church and selected Pentecostal denominations, has a significant presence in Ghana. The Roman Catholic Church, which is part of the worldwide Catholic Church in communion with the Pope in Rome, has been in Ghana since the 15th century, brought by Portuguese traders and missionaries (Omenyo, 2016). The Catholic Church in Ghana has been instrumental in providing education, health, and other social services, contributing significantly to the country’s development.

Pentecostalism, on the other hand, is a more recent phenomenon in Ghana, having emerged in the early 20th century. It is characterized by a focus on the Holy Spirit, charismatic worship, and the belief in miracles, healing, and prophecy. Pentecostalism in Ghana has grown rapidly, with several large denominations such as the Church of Pentecost and the Assemblies of God having a significant presence (Asamoah-Gyadu, 2013).

The Roman Catholic Church and Pentecostal denominations in Ghana have different theological emphases and practices. The Catholic Church emphasizes the sacraments, liturgy, and the authority of the Pope and bishops, while Pentecostal churches emphasize the direct experience of the Holy Spirit, charismatic worship, and the autonomy of local congregations (Omenyo, 2016). Despite these differences, both traditions share a commitment to the Christian faith and the mission of the Church.

The influence of these Christian traditions in Ghana is evident in various aspects of society. The Catholic Church, for example, has played a significant role in education, with many of the country’s top schools being Catholic institutions. Pentecostal churches, on the other hand, have been influential in shaping popular culture, with their music and worship styles permeating Ghanaian society (Asamoah-Gyadu, 2013).

However, the presence of these Christian traditions in Ghana has also been a source of tension. There have been conflicts between the Catholic Church and Pentecostal churches over issues such as doctrine, worship practices, and the role of the Church in society. These conflicts reflect the diversity and dynamism of Christianity in Ghana (Omenyo, 2016).

The Christian religion, as represented by the Roman Catholic Church and selected Pentecostal denominations, has a significant and complex presence in Ghana. These traditions have contributed to the country’s development and culture, but they have also been a source of tension and conflict. Further research is needed to understand the dynamics of these relationships and their impact on Ghanaian society.

  • Statement of the Problem

The Christian religion in Ghana, particularly within the Roman Catholic Church and selected Pentecostal denominations, presents a unique set of challenges and issues. The first problem is the cultural integration and adaptation of Christian doctrines within the Ghanaian context. The Roman Catholic Church, for instance, has been grappling with the issue of inculturation, the process of integrating African traditional values and practices into the Christian faith (Shorter, 1998). This has led to tensions and conflicts within the church as it struggles to maintain its universal doctrines while also respecting local cultural practices.

Secondly, the rise of Pentecostalism in Ghana has led to a shift in religious dynamics, creating a competitive religious landscape. Asamoah-Gyadu (2005) notes that the rapid growth of Pentecostal churches has led to a decline in the Roman Catholic Church’s influence and membership. This competition has resulted in a religious marketplace where churches are vying for followers, often leading to the commodification of religion.

Thirdly, the issue of syncretism, the blending of Christian beliefs with traditional African religions, is prevalent in both the Roman Catholic Church and Pentecostal denominations. This syncretism often leads to doctrinal confusion and dilution of the Christian faith (Meyer, 1998). It also raises questions about the authenticity and purity of the Christian faith as practiced in Ghana.

Fourthly, the problem of socio-economic development and the role of the church is another significant issue. The church, both Roman Catholic and Pentecostal, is often seen as a key player in social development. However, the extent to which these churches are fulfilling this role is debatable. Gifford (2004) argues that while these churches have made some contributions to social development, their impact is often overstated and their efforts are sometimes misdirected.

Fifthly, the issue of leadership and governance within these churches is a significant problem. There have been numerous reports of financial mismanagement, abuse of power, and lack of accountability within both the Roman Catholic Church and Pentecostal denominations (Gifford, 2009). This has led to a crisis of trust and credibility within these religious institutions.

Lastly, the problem of religious pluralism and interfaith relations is a significant issue. With the rise of Islam and other religious traditions in Ghana, the Christian church, both Roman Catholic and Pentecostal, is faced with the challenge of maintaining its relevance and influence in a pluralistic religious environment (Larbi, 2004).

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine Character Development as a tool for building the 21st century Church. The specific objectives are:

  1. To examine the role of character development in building the 21st-century Church.
  2. To investigate the methods used by the Church in promoting character development among its members.
  3. To assess the impact of character development on the spiritual growth of church members.
  4. To explore the challenges faced by the Church in implementing character development programs.
  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What is the role of character development in building the 21st-century Church?
  2. What methods are used by the Church in promoting character development among its members?
  3. What is the impact of character development on the spiritual growth of church members?
  4. What are the challenges faced by the Church in implementing character development programs?
  • Research hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Character development has no significant impact in building the 21st-century Church.

H1: Character development has significant impact in building the 21st-century Church.

  • Significance of the Study

The significance of studying character development as a tool for building the 21st-century Church cannot be overstated. The Church, as a spiritual and social institution, plays a crucial role in shaping the moral and ethical fabric of society. In the 21st century, this role has become even more critical given the myriad of social, moral, and ethical challenges that confront society. Character development, therefore, becomes a vital tool in the Church’s arsenal for building a society that is grounded in moral and ethical values.

The second paragraph of the significance of the study would delve into the role of character development in fostering spiritual growth among church members. The Church’s primary mandate is to foster spiritual growth among its members. Character development, as a tool, aids in this mandate by shaping the moral and ethical values of church members, which in turn influences their spiritual growth. This study, therefore, seeks to explore this relationship and provide insights into how character development can be leveraged to foster spiritual growth.

The third paragraph would focus on the role of character development in promoting unity and cohesion within the Church. The Church, as a social institution, is made up of diverse individuals with different backgrounds, beliefs, and perspectives. Character development, therefore, serves as a unifying factor that brings together these diverse individuals under a common set of moral and ethical values. This study, therefore, seeks to explore how character development can be used to promote unity and cohesion within the Church.

The fourth paragraph would delve into the challenges faced by the Church in implementing character development programs. Despite the apparent benefits of character development, the Church faces numerous challenges in implementing character development programs. These challenges range from resistance from church members, lack of resources, to lack of expertise in character development. This study, therefore, seeks to explore these challenges and provide recommendations on how they can be addressed.

The fifth paragraph would focus on the role of character development in promoting the Church’s social mission. The Church, beyond its spiritual mandate, has a social mission to promote social justice, peace, and harmony in society. Character development, therefore, becomes a vital tool in promoting this social mission. This study, therefore, seeks to explore how character development can be leveraged to promote the Church’s social mission.

The sixth and final paragraph would focus on the potential impact of this study on the Church and society at large. By exploring the role of character development in building the 21st-century Church, this study has the potential to influence policy and practice within the Church. Furthermore, the insights from this study could be used to inform character development programs in other social institutions, thereby contributing to the broader societal goal of building a morally and ethically grounded society.

  • Scope of the Study

The study examines Character Development as a tool for building the 21st century Church. The study is limited to selected Pentecostal Churches.

  • Operational Definition of Terms

Character: In the context of this study, character refers to the moral and ethical qualities that define an individual. It encompasses traits such as honesty, integrity, kindness, and patience, which are often emphasized in religious teachings.

Development: Development refers to the process of growth, expansion, or evolution over time. In the context of character development, it implies the process through which an individual’s character traits are nurtured and improved.

Tool: A tool is a device or implement used to carry out a particular function. In this context, character development is seen as a tool, meaning it is a method or strategy used to achieve a specific goal, which is building the 21st-century Church.

Building: Building, in this context, refers to the act of creating, developing, or establishing something. It implies a process that requires effort, planning, and execution. In the context of building the 21st-century Church, it refers to the efforts made to grow and strengthen the Church in line with modern times.

21st Century Church: The 21st-century Church refers to the modern-day Christian Church. It implies a Church that is not only keeping up with the times but is also effectively using modern tools and strategies, such as character development, to grow and develop.

Project – Character Development as a tool for building the 21st century Church