Project – Biblical and Theological Interrogation of the new methods and forms of Prayers in and among Nigerian Pentecostal Churches.

Project – Biblical and Theological Interrogation of the new methods and forms of Prayers in and among Nigerian Pentecostal Churches.



  • Background to the Study

The Nigerian Pentecostal movement has seen a significant evolution in its methods and forms of prayer, reflecting broader global trends while also incorporating unique local elements. This transformation can be traced back to the early 20th century when Pentecostalism first took root in Nigeria, influenced by American and European missionaries. Early Pentecostal prayers were characterized by their spontaneity, emotional intensity, and emphasis on the Holy Spirit’s direct intervention (Anderson, 2004). Over time, these practices have evolved, incorporating elements such as prosperity theology and deliverance prayers, which have become particularly prominent in Nigerian Pentecostalism (Gifford, 2004).

One of the most notable changes in Nigerian Pentecostal prayer practices is the rise of “prophetic prayers,” which are often characterized by their declarative and authoritative nature. These prayers are believed to have the power to change circumstances and bring about desired outcomes, reflecting a theology that emphasizes the believer’s authority in Christ (Kalu, 2008). This shift can be seen as part of a broader trend within global Pentecostalism, where there is a growing emphasis on the believer’s ability to influence their reality through faith-filled declarations (Yong, 2005). However, this practice has also raised theological questions about the nature of prayer and its role in the believer’s life.

Theologically, the new methods and forms of prayer in Nigerian Pentecostal churches can be examined through the lens of biblical exegesis and doctrinal analysis. For instance, the practice of prophetic prayers can be compared to the biblical concept of “speaking things into existence,” as seen in passages like Romans 4:17, where God is described as “calling into existence the things that do not exist” (ESV). However, some theologians argue that this interpretation can lead to a form of “word of faith” theology that may not fully align with the broader biblical narrative, which often emphasizes submission to God’s will and the mystery of His sovereignty (MacArthur, 1992).

Another significant development in Nigerian Pentecostal prayer practices is the incorporation of African traditional religious elements, such as the use of symbolic actions and objects in prayer. This syncretism can be seen in practices like the use of anointing oil, prayer cloths, and other physical objects believed to carry spiritual power (Olupona, 2014). While these practices can be seen as a way to contextualize Christianity within the African cultural milieu, they also raise important theological questions about the nature of sacred objects and the potential for idolatry (Bediako, 1995). The challenge for Nigerian Pentecostal churches is to navigate these cultural adaptations while remaining faithful to biblical teachings.

The impact of these new prayer practices on the spiritual lives of Nigerian Pentecostals is another area of interest for scholars. Research suggests that these practices can have both positive and negative effects. On the one hand, they can empower believers, giving them a sense of agency and hope in the face of life’s challenges (Marshall, 2009). On the other hand, there is a risk that an overemphasis on certain types of prayer, such as prosperity prayers, can lead to disillusionment and a shallow faith if the desired outcomes are not achieved (Asamoah-Gyadu, 2005). This tension highlights the need for a balanced approach to prayer that incorporates both faith and realism.

The new methods and forms of prayer in Nigerian Pentecostal churches reflect a dynamic interplay between global Pentecostal trends, local cultural influences, and biblical theology. While these practices can offer significant spiritual benefits, they also raise important theological questions that require careful consideration. Future research should continue to explore these issues, providing a nuanced understanding of how Nigerian Pentecostals navigate the complexities of faith, culture, and prayer.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

The rapid growth and diversification of Pentecostalism in Nigeria have introduced a variety of new methods and forms of prayer that differ significantly from traditional Christian practices. This phenomenon raises several critical questions that warrant a thorough biblical and theological interrogation. One of the primary concerns is whether these new forms of prayer align with biblical teachings and the theological foundations of Christianity. The introduction of practices such as “prophetic declarations,” “deliverance prayers,” and “speaking in tongues” in public worship settings has sparked debates among theologians and church leaders about their scriptural validity and theological soundness.

Another significant issue is the potential for these new prayer methods to lead to doctrinal deviations. As Nigerian Pentecostal churches adopt innovative prayer practices, there is a risk that these practices may introduce elements that are not biblically grounded, thereby leading congregants away from core Christian doctrines. This problem is compounded by the fact that many of these new methods are often propagated by charismatic leaders whose teachings may not always be subjected to rigorous theological scrutiny. Consequently, there is a pressing need to examine whether these practices uphold the integrity of Christian doctrine or if they contribute to theological confusion and fragmentation within the church.

The impact of these new prayer forms on the spiritual lives of congregants is another area of concern. While some argue that these methods enhance spiritual experiences and foster a deeper connection with God, others contend that they may promote a superficial or emotionally driven spirituality. The emphasis on dramatic and sensational prayer practices could potentially overshadow the more contemplative and reflective aspects of prayer that are essential for spiritual growth. Therefore, it is crucial to investigate how these new forms of prayer influence the spiritual development and maturity of believers within Nigerian Pentecostal churches.

Furthermore, the cultural context in which these new prayer methods have emerged cannot be overlooked. Nigerian Pentecostalism is deeply intertwined with the socio-cultural realities of the country, including its traditional religious practices and beliefs. This intersection raises questions about the extent to which these new forms of prayer are influenced by indigenous religious practices and whether they represent a syncretism that dilutes the purity of Christian worship. A thorough biblical and theological interrogation is necessary to discern the cultural influences at play and to ensure that the new prayer methods remain faithful to Christian principles.

The proliferation of new prayer methods also has implications for the unity of the church. As different Pentecostal congregations adopt varying practices, there is a potential for division and disunity within the broader Christian community. The lack of a standardized approach to prayer can lead to confusion and conflict among believers, undermining the collective witness of the church. Addressing this issue requires a careful examination of the theological underpinnings of these practices and a concerted effort to promote unity without compromising doctrinal integrity.

The emergence of new methods and forms of prayer in Nigerian Pentecostal churches presents a complex and multifaceted problem that necessitates a comprehensive biblical and theological interrogation. This investigation must address the scriptural validity, doctrinal implications, spiritual impact, cultural influences, and potential for disunity associated with these practices. By doing so, the church can ensure that its prayer practices remain rooted in biblical truth and contribute to the spiritual edification of its members.

1.3. Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the Biblical and Theological Interrogation of the new methods and forms of Prayers in and among Nigerian Pentecostal Churches. The specific objectives are:

  1. Investigate the historical development of new methods and forms of prayers in Nigerian Pentecostal churches.
  2. Analyze the theological implications of these new prayer practices within the context of Nigerian Pentecostalism.
  3. Examine the impact of these new prayer methods on the spiritual lives of members of Nigerian Pentecostal churches.
  4. Differences between traditional prayer practices and the new methods of prayers in Nigerian Pentecostal churches.

1.4. Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. How has the historical development of new methods and forms of prayers in Nigerian Pentecostal churches evolved over time?
  2. What are the theological implications of these new prayer practices within the context of Nigerian Pentecostalism?
  3. How do these new prayer methods impact the spiritual lives of members of Nigerian Pentecostal churches?
  4. What are the differences between traditional prayer practices and the new methods of prayers in Nigerian Pentecostal churches?

1.5. Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: New prayer methods has no significant impact on the spiritual lives of members of Nigerian Pentecostal churches.

H1: New prayer methods has significant impact on the spiritual lives of members of Nigerian Pentecostal churches

1.6. Significance of the Study

The significance of studying the new methods and forms of prayers in Nigerian Pentecostal churches from a biblical and theological perspective is multifaceted. Firstly, it provides a deeper understanding of how contemporary Pentecostal practices align with or diverge from traditional biblical teachings. Pentecostalism in Nigeria has seen a surge in innovative prayer methods, including prophetic declarations, deliverance prayers, and prosperity prayers. By examining these practices through a biblical lens, scholars and practitioners can discern whether these methods are rooted in scriptural principles or if they represent a departure from orthodox Christian teachings.

Secondly, this study is significant because it sheds light on the theological implications of these new prayer forms. Theology is not static; it evolves as it interacts with different cultural and social contexts. Nigerian Pentecostalism, with its unique blend of African spirituality and Christian doctrine, offers a rich field for theological exploration. Understanding how these new prayer methods influence believers’ perceptions of God, faith, and spirituality can provide valuable insights into the dynamic nature of theology in a contemporary African context.


Thirdly, the study has practical implications for church leadership and pastoral care. Nigerian Pentecostal churches are often at the forefront of social and spiritual life in their communities. By critically examining the new methods and forms of prayers, church leaders can better guide their congregations in practices that are both theologically sound and spiritually enriching. This can help prevent the spread of potentially harmful practices that may arise from misinterpretations of scripture or theological concepts.

Fourthly, this study contributes to the broader field of religious studies by highlighting the unique characteristics of Nigerian Pentecostalism. Pentecostalism is a global movement, but it manifests differently in various cultural contexts. By focusing on Nigeria, researchers can add to the global understanding of Pentecostal practices and how they adapt to local cultures. This can also foster greater appreciation and respect for the diversity within the global Pentecostal movement.

Fifthly, the study has ecumenical significance. Nigerian Pentecostalism often interacts with other Christian denominations and religious traditions. By understanding the new methods and forms of prayers, other Christian groups can engage in more informed and meaningful dialogues with Pentecostal believers. This can promote unity and cooperation among different Christian traditions, fostering a more inclusive and harmonious religious landscape.

Lastly, the study is significant for the personal spiritual growth of individual believers. Prayer is a central aspect of Christian life, and understanding its various forms can enrich one’s spiritual journey. By exploring the new methods and forms of prayers in Nigerian Pentecostal churches, believers can gain new perspectives and practices that enhance their personal relationship with God. This can lead to a more vibrant and fulfilling spiritual life, grounded in a deeper understanding of both biblical teachings and contemporary theological insights.

 1.7. Scope of the Study

The study examines Biblical and Theological Interrogation of the new methods and forms of Prayers in and among Nigerian Pentecostal Churches. The study is restricted to selected Pentecostal Churches in Lagos, Nigeria.

1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

Here are the definitions for each of the terms you’ve listed:

Biblical: Relating to or contained in the Bible, which is the sacred scripture of Christians. It encompasses the Old Testament and the New Testament and serves as a foundational text for Christian beliefs, teachings, and practices.

Theological: Pertaining to theology, which is the study of the nature of God, religious beliefs, and the practice of religious faith. It involves the systematic and rational study of concepts such as God, the divine, and the nature of religious truth.

Interrogation: In this context, it refers to a detailed and critical examination or analysis. It involves questioning and exploring the underlying principles, practices, and implications of a particular subject, in this case, the new methods and forms of prayers.

New Methods: Refers to innovative or recently developed techniques, approaches, or strategies. In the context of prayer, it could mean new ways of engaging in prayer, such as different styles, formats, or practices that have emerged in recent times.

New Forms: Refers to new types, structures, or expressions. In the context of prayer, it could mean new expressions or manifestations of prayer practices that differ from traditional forms, possibly incorporating contemporary elements or cultural influences.

Prayers: Acts of communication with a deity or deities, often involving expressions of worship, confession, thanksgiving, and requests for guidance, assistance, or blessings. In Christianity, prayer is a central practice for fostering a relationship with God.

Pentecostal Churches: Christian denominations within the broader Pentecostal movement, which emphasizes direct personal experience with God through the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Pentecostal churches are known for their vibrant worship services, speaking in tongues, prophecy, healing, and other charismatic expressions of faith.

Project – Biblical and Theological Interrogation of the new methods and forms of Prayers in and among Nigerian Pentecostal Churches.