Project – Appraisal of Church Leadership Role in Managing Membership Dropout for the Sustainable Numerical Growth of Winners Chapel.

Project – Appraisal of Church Leadership Role in Managing Membership Dropout for the Sustainable Numerical Growth of Winners Chapel.



  • Background to the Study

The role of church leadership in managing membership dropout is a critical factor in the sustainable numerical growth of religious organizations such as Winners Chapel. Church leaders are responsible for creating an environment that fosters spiritual growth and community, which can significantly influence member retention (Hoge, 1994). In the case of Winners Chapel, the leadership has implemented various strategies to manage membership dropout, including regular follow-ups with members, creating small groups for fellowship, and providing spiritual guidance and counseling. However, despite these efforts, membership dropout remains a significant challenge.

The leadership style adopted by church leaders can significantly influence membership retention. Transformational leadership, characterized by inspiring and motivating members towards a shared vision, has been found to be particularly effective in religious organizations (Bass & Riggio, 2006). In Winners Chapel, the leadership has adopted a transformational leadership style, which has been instrumental in fostering a sense of belonging among members and reducing membership dropout. However, more research is needed to understand the specific aspects of transformational leadership that are most effective in this context.

Another critical factor in managing membership dropout is the level of member engagement. Research has shown that members who are actively involved in church activities are less likely to leave (Stark & Finke, 2000). In Winners Chapel, the leadership has made concerted efforts to increase member engagement through various initiatives such as volunteer opportunities, bible study groups, and community outreach programs. However, the effectiveness of these initiatives in reducing membership dropout is yet to be fully understood.

The role of church leadership in managing membership dropout also extends to addressing the specific needs and concerns of members. Research has shown that members are more likely to leave when their needs are not met or when they feel unheard or unappreciated (Hadaway, 1993). In Winners Chapel, the leadership has implemented various mechanisms to address member concerns, such as regular member surveys and feedback sessions. However, the impact of these mechanisms on membership retention is still unclear.

The use of technology is another area where church leadership can play a significant role in managing membership dropout. With the advent of digital technology, churches like Winners Chapel have the opportunity to reach out to members in new and innovative ways (Campbell, 2005). For instance, the use of social media and online platforms for worship and fellowship can help maintain connection with members, especially those who are unable to attend church regularly. However, the effectiveness of digital technology in reducing membership dropout is a relatively unexplored area of research.

The role of church leadership in managing membership dropout for the sustainable numerical growth of Winners Chapel is multifaceted, involving aspects such as leadership style, member engagement, addressing member needs, and the use of technology. While the leadership has made significant strides in these areas, more research is needed to understand the effectiveness of these strategies and to identify areas for improvement.

  • Statement of the Problem

The problem of membership dropout in religious organizations, particularly in Winners Chapel, is a significant issue that has been observed over the years. The church, known for its large congregation, has experienced a decline in its numerical growth due to the increasing rate of membership dropout (Adeyemi, 2017). This issue has raised concerns about the effectiveness of the church’s leadership in managing and retaining its members.

The leadership of Winners Chapel has been questioned for its role in managing membership dropout. The church’s leadership strategies and their effectiveness in retaining members have been a subject of debate among scholars and church members alike (Ogbonnaya, 2018). The lack of effective leadership strategies to manage membership dropout has been identified as a significant factor contributing to the decline in the church’s numerical growth.

The problem is further compounded by the lack of comprehensive studies on the role of church leadership in managing membership dropout in Winners Chapel. Existing literature on church leadership and membership retention mainly focuses on general trends and does not provide specific insights into the situation in Winners Chapel (Ojo, 2019). This gap in the literature makes it difficult to understand the unique challenges faced by the church’s leadership and to develop effective strategies to address them.

The lack of a clear understanding of the factors contributing to membership dropout in Winners Chapel is another aspect of the problem. While some studies suggest that the leadership’s inability to meet the spiritual needs of the members is a major factor (Adeyemi, 2017), others argue that socio-economic factors are more significant (Ogbonnaya, 2018). This lack of consensus makes it difficult to develop effective strategies to manage membership dropout.

The problem is further exacerbated by the lack of effective communication between the church’s leadership and its members. According to Ojo (2019), the leadership’s failure to effectively communicate its vision and strategies to the members contributes to the high rate of membership dropout. This lack of effective communication undermines the members’ trust in the leadership and their commitment to the church.

The problem of membership dropout in Winners Chapel is a complex issue that requires a comprehensive understanding of the role of church leadership. The lack of effective leadership strategies, the gap in the literature, the lack of understanding of the factors contributing to membership dropout, and the lack of effective communication are all aspects of the problem that need to be addressed for the sustainable numerical growth of the church.

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The study examines an appraisal of Church Leadership Role in Managing Membership Dropout for the Sustainable Numerical Growth of Winners Chapel. The specific objectives are:

  1. To examine the current leadership strategies employed by Winners Chapel in managing membership dropout.
  2. To assess the effectiveness of leaders strategies in sustaining the numerical growth of the church.
  3. To identify the key factors contributing to membership dropout in Winners Chapel.
  4. To propose new leadership strategies that could potentially reduce membership dropout and enhance sustainable growth.
  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What are the current leadership strategies employed by Winners Chapel in managing membership dropout?
  2. How effective are the leaders strategies in sustaining the numerical growth of the church?
  3. What are the key factors contributing to membership dropout in Winners Chapel?
  4. What new leadership strategies could potentially reduce membership dropout and enhance sustainable growth in Winners Chapel?
  • Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: The leaders’ strategies will not sustain the numerical growth of the church

H1: The leaders’ strategies will sustain the numerical growth of the church

  • Significance of the Study

The significance of this study lies in its potential to shed light on the issue of membership dropout in Winners Chapel, a problem that has been largely overlooked in previous research. By examining the leadership strategies currently employed by the church, this study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how these strategies are contributing to the church’s numerical growth or lack thereof.

The findings of this study could be instrumental in informing the development of new leadership strategies aimed at reducing membership dropout and enhancing sustainable growth. This could have far-reaching implications not only for Winners Chapel but also for other religious organizations grappling with similar issues.

Moreover, this study could contribute to the broader body of knowledge on church leadership and membership management. It could provide valuable insights into the factors contributing to membership dropout, which could be useful for scholars and practitioners in the field of religious studies and organizational leadership.

The study could also serve as a resource for church leaders, providing them with evidence-based strategies for managing membership dropout. This could ultimately lead to more effective leadership practices and a more vibrant and engaged church community.

Finally, the study could have a significant impact on the members of Winners Chapel themselves. By addressing the issue of membership dropout, the study could help to create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for all members, thereby enhancing their spiritual experience and sense of belonging within the church community.

This study holds the potential to make a significant contribution to the field of church leadership and membership management, with implications for both theory and practice. By addressing the issue of membership dropout in Winners Chapel, the study could lead to more effective leadership strategies, a more engaged church community, and a more sustainable numerical growth for the church.

  • Scope of the Study

The study examines an appraisal of Church Leadership Role in Managing Membership Dropout for the Sustainable Numerical Growth of Winners Chapel. A case study of Winners Chapel, Lagos-Island.

  • Operational Definition of Terms
  1. Appraisal: This is a process of assessing or evaluating something or someone. In a business context, it often refers to performance reviews where an employee’s work is evaluated.
  1. Church Leadership: This refers to the individuals who are responsible for leading and managing a church community. This can include roles such as pastors, priests, bishops, and other religious leaders.
  1. Role: A role refers to the function or part played by a person or thing in a particular situation. In a social context, it can refer to the expected behavior associated with a particular status.
  1. Managing: This is the process of dealing with or controlling things or people. In a business context, it often refers to the tasks of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling resources to achieve organizational goals.
  1. Membership: This refers to the state of belonging to a group or organization. It can also refer to the group of people who belong to such an organization.
  1. Dropout: This term usually refers to a person who has abandoned a course of study or who has chosen to leave a formal education or social institution.
  1. Sustainable Numerical Growth: This term is often used in the context of organizations or businesses. It refers to the ability to maintain a steady rate of growth in numbers (such as membership, customers, or attendees) over a long period of time, without causing harm to the organization or its resources.
  1. Winners Chapel: This is a specific church organization, also known as the Living Faith Church Worldwide. It is a megachurch and a denomination with its headquarters in Ota, Nigeria, and was founded by Bishop David Oyedepo in 1981.

Project – Appraisal of Church Leadership Role in Managing Membership Dropout for the Sustainable Numerical Growth of Winners Chapel.