Full Project – The Effects of Christian attitude towards giving on Church work and Ministry

Full Project – The Effects of Christian attitude towards giving on Church work and Ministry

A Case study of Ibadan North and Akinyele Local Government Areas of Oyo State




  • Background to the Study

The effects of Christian attitudes towards giving on church work and ministry have been a subject of interest for many researchers. According to a study by Smith and Emerson (2008), the Christian attitude towards giving is deeply rooted in the biblical principle of tithing. This principle encourages Christians to give a tenth of their income to the church. The study found that this attitude significantly impacts the financial health of the church, enabling it to carry out its work and ministry effectively.

In a similar vein, a study by Zech (2011) found that the Christian attitude towards giving is not only about financial contributions but also about giving time and talents. This holistic approach to giving has a profound impact on the church’s ability to serve its community. The study found that churches with congregations that embraced this holistic attitude were more effective in their ministry work.

However, the relationship between Christian attitudes towards giving and church work is not always positive. A study by Hoge and Zech (1996) found that some Christians feel pressured to give, leading to resentment and decreased involvement in church activities. This suggests that the way churches approach giving can significantly impact their work and ministry.

The role of leadership in shaping Christian attitudes towards giving cannot be overlooked. According to a study by Malphurs (2005), church leaders play a crucial role in fostering a culture of generosity within their congregations. The study found that churches with leaders who modeled generous giving had congregations that were more willing to give, positively impacting the church’s work and ministry.

However, there is a need for more research on this topic. While the studies mentioned provide valuable insights, they are limited in their scope. Future research could explore the impact of Christian attitudes towards giving in different cultural contexts or examine the role of church size in shaping these attitudes.

The Christian attitude towards giving plays a significant role in church work and ministry. While it can lead to financial stability and increased community service, it can also lead to resentment if not handled correctly. Church leaders play a crucial role in shaping these attitudes, suggesting the need for leadership training in this area. More research is needed to fully understand the complexities of this relationship.

  • Statement of the Problem

The problem of the effects of Christian attitudes towards giving on church work and ministry is a multifaceted issue that requires thorough examination. The Christian faith emphasizes the importance of giving, as it is seen as a way of expressing love and gratitude to God. However, the extent to which this attitude influences the functioning and effectiveness of church work and ministry is not clearly understood.

The first aspect of the problem lies in the varying interpretations of the concept of giving within the Christian community. Some view it as a mandatory act of faith, while others see it as a voluntary act of generosity. This disparity in understanding can lead to inconsistencies in the practice of giving, which can, in turn, affect the resources available for church work and ministry.

Secondly, there is a lack of empirical research on the relationship between Christian attitudes towards giving and the effectiveness of church work and ministry. Most of the existing literature is based on anecdotal evidence or personal testimonies, which may not provide a comprehensive understanding of the issue. This gap in research makes it difficult to develop effective strategies to encourage giving and improve the functioning of the church.

Thirdly, the problem is further complicated by the fact that the attitude towards giving can be influenced by a variety of factors, including personal beliefs, socio-economic status, and cultural background. These factors can affect the willingness and ability of individuals to give, which can have a significant impact on the resources available for church work and ministry.

Fourthly, there is a need to understand how the attitude towards giving affects the motivation and commitment of church workers and ministers. If giving is seen as a duty or obligation, it could potentially lead to burnout or disillusionment. On the other hand, if it is seen as a joyful act of generosity, it could inspire and energize church workers and ministers.

Finally, the problem is also related to the broader issue of the role of the church in society. If the church is seen as primarily a recipient of donations, it could potentially undermine its credibility and influence. However, if it is seen as a catalyst for social change and community development, it could enhance its relevance and impact. Therefore, understanding the effects of Christian attitudes towards giving on church work and ministry is crucial for the future of the church.

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to the Effects of Christian attitude towards giving on Church work and Ministry. The specific objectives are:


  1. To examine the relationship between Christian attitudes towards giving and the effectiveness of church work and ministry.
  2. To identify the impact of Christian giving on the resources available for church work and ministry.
  3. To understand the role of Christian attitudes towards giving in the motivation and commitment of church workers and ministers.
  4. To explore the influence of Christian giving on the growth and expansion of church work and ministry.


  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What is the relationship between Christian attitudes towards giving and the effectiveness of church work and ministry?
  2. How does Christian giving impact the resources available for church work and ministry?
  3. What role does Christian attitudes towards giving play in the motivation and commitment of church workers and ministers?
  4. How does Christian giving influence the growth and expansion of church work and ministry?
  • Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

HO: Christian attitudes towards giving has no significant impact on the effectiveness of church work and ministry

H1: Christian attitudes towards giving has significant impact on the effectiveness of church work and ministry

  • Significance of the Study

The significance of the study on the effects of Christian attitudes towards giving on church work and ministry cannot be overstated. This research will provide a comprehensive understanding of how Christian attitudes towards giving influence the effectiveness, growth, and expansion of church work and ministry. It will shed light on the role of these attitudes in motivating and committing church workers and ministers, thereby contributing to the body of knowledge in religious studies and church management.

Secondly, the findings of this study will be beneficial to church leaders and administrators. It will provide them with insights into how to foster a culture of giving within their congregations, which could potentially lead to increased resources for church work and ministry. This could, in turn, enhance the effectiveness of their ministries and facilitate the growth and expansion of their churches.

Thirdly, this study will also be of significance to church members. By understanding the impact of their giving attitudes on church work and ministry, they may be encouraged to give more generously, knowing that their contributions are making a difference. This could foster a sense of ownership and commitment among church members, which is crucial for the sustainability of church work and ministry.

Fourthly, this study will contribute to the broader discourse on the role of religion in society. By examining the effects of Christian attitudes towards giving on church work and ministry, it will provide insights into how religious beliefs and practices can influence societal structures and processes. This could potentially inform policy-making in areas related to religion and society.

Fifthly, this study will also be of interest to scholars and researchers in the field of religious studies. It will provide them with empirical data on the effects of Christian attitudes towards giving on church work and ministry, which could be used to inform future research in this area.

Lastly, this study will also have implications for interfaith dialogue. By understanding the effects of Christian attitudes towards giving on church work and ministry, it could provide a basis for comparison with other religious traditions. This could potentially foster mutual understanding and respect among different religious communities.


  • Scope of the Study

The Effects of Christian attitude towards giving on Church work and Ministry – A Case study of Ibadan North and Akinyele Local Government Areas of Oyo State.


  • Operational Definition of Terms

“Effect”: In the context of this study, “effect” refers to the outcome or result of a particular action or situation. It is the change that is directly caused by an action or a cause.

“Christian”: A Christian is a person who follows or adheres to Christianity, a monotheistic Abrahamic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Christians believe in the Holy Trinity – God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.

“Attitude”: Attitude refers to a settled way of thinking or feeling about something. It is a person’s perspective or mindset towards an event, object, or concept. Attitudes can be positive, negative, or neutral, and they can significantly influence a person’s behavior.

“Giving”: In the context of this study, “giving” refers to the act of making a gift or donation. In a Christian context, giving often refers to tithes and offerings given to the church or to those in need, as an act of faith and obedience to God.

“Church work”: Church work refers to the various activities and services carried out by a church community. This can include worship services, pastoral care, outreach programs, teaching and discipleship, and other forms of ministry.

“Ministry”: Ministry in a Christian context refers to the service or work done to spread the Christian faith, assist others in their spiritual growth, and meet the needs of the community. This can be carried out by ordained ministers, church members, or entire church communities.

Full Project – The Effects of Christian attitude towards giving on Church work and Ministry