• Background to the Study

Christian Religious Education (CRE) has played a significant role in promoting human rights in Nigeria, a country with a diverse religious landscape and a history of human rights challenges. The integration of human rights principles into CRE curricula has been instrumental in fostering a culture of respect, dignity, and equality. According to Ezeogu (2018), CRE in Nigeria has been pivotal in teaching values such as love, justice, and compassion, which are foundational to human rights. These values are often derived from biblical teachings and are emphasized in religious education programs across various Christian denominations.

One of the key roles of CRE in promoting human rights is through the empowerment of individuals with knowledge and awareness. As noted by Okafor (2017), CRE programs often include discussions on the inherent dignity of every human being, as created in the image of God. This theological perspective reinforces the idea that all individuals deserve to be treated with respect and fairness. By educating students about their rights and the rights of others, CRE helps to cultivate a more informed and conscientious citizenry that is better equipped to advocate for human rights.

Furthermore, CRE has been instrumental in addressing social injustices and advocating for marginalized groups in Nigeria. For instance, the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has been actively involved in campaigns against human trafficking, child labor, and gender-based violence. According to Nwosu (2019), CRE programs often include modules on social justice, encouraging students to take action against injustices in their communities. This proactive approach not only raises awareness but also mobilizes individuals to become agents of change, thereby contributing to the broader human rights movement in the country.

In addition to advocacy, CRE also plays a role in reconciliation and peacebuilding, which are essential components of human rights. Nigeria has experienced significant ethnic and religious conflicts, and CRE has been used as a tool to promote understanding and harmony among different groups. As highlighted by Afolabi (2020), CRE programs often incorporate teachings on forgiveness, reconciliation, and peaceful coexistence, drawing from biblical narratives and Christian doctrines. These teachings help to bridge divides and foster a more inclusive society where human rights are respected.

Moreover, CRE contributes to the development of ethical leadership, which is crucial for the promotion and protection of human rights. Many Christian educational institutions in Nigeria emphasize the importance of integrity, accountability, and servant leadership, as exemplified by Jesus Christ. According to Adeyemi (2016), graduates of these institutions often go on to hold influential positions in society, where they can advocate for policies and practices that uphold human rights. The ethical foundation provided by CRE thus has a ripple effect, influencing broader societal norms and governance.

Finally, the role of CRE in promoting human rights is also evident in its collaboration with other religious and secular organizations. Interfaith initiatives and partnerships with human rights NGOs have been effective in amplifying the impact of CRE. As noted by Ibrahim (2018), these collaborations often result in joint programs and campaigns that address pressing human rights issues, such as religious freedom, education for all, and healthcare access. By working together, these organizations can leverage their collective resources and expertise to create a more just and equitable society.

Christian Religious Education in Nigeria plays a multifaceted role in promoting human rights. Through education, advocacy, reconciliation, ethical leadership, and collaboration, CRE contributes to the development of a society that values and upholds the dignity and rights of every individual. The integration of human rights principles into CRE curricula not only benefits students but also has a broader impact on the community and the nation as a whole.

  • Statement of the Problem

The role of Christian Religious Education (CRE) in promoting human rights in Nigeria is a multifaceted issue that requires thorough examination. Despite Nigeria’s rich religious diversity, the country has faced significant human rights challenges, including religious intolerance, gender inequality, and political corruption. Christian Religious Education, which is deeply rooted in the teachings of love, justice, and equality, has the potential to address these issues. However, the extent to which CRE has been effective in promoting human rights in Nigeria remains underexplored. According to Afolayan (2018), while CRE has made some strides in fostering moral values, its impact on broader human rights issues is still limited.

One of the primary problems is the inconsistency in the implementation of CRE across different educational institutions in Nigeria. While some schools incorporate comprehensive human rights education within their CRE curriculum, others focus solely on religious doctrines without addressing the practical implications for human rights. This inconsistency leads to a fragmented understanding of human rights among students. As noted by Eze (2019), the lack of a standardized curriculum that integrates human rights education within CRE is a significant barrier to its effectiveness.

Furthermore, there is a gap in teacher training and resources dedicated to CRE. Many educators lack the necessary training to effectively teach human rights within the context of Christian education. This inadequacy is compounded by the scarcity of teaching materials that explicitly link Christian teachings to human rights principles. According to Okoye (2020), without proper training and resources, teachers are ill-equipped to convey the importance of human rights, thereby limiting the potential impact of CRE on students’ understanding and advocacy for human rights.

Another critical issue is the socio-political environment in Nigeria, which often undermines the promotion of human rights through CRE. The prevalence of corruption, political instability, and religious conflicts creates a challenging context for the effective implementation of human rights education. As highlighted by Nwankwo (2017), these socio-political factors not only hinder the teaching of human rights but also perpetuate a culture of impunity and injustice, making it difficult for CRE to effect meaningful change.

Additionally, there is a need to address the cultural and societal norms that conflict with human rights principles. In many Nigerian communities, traditional practices and beliefs often take precedence over human rights, leading to practices such as gender discrimination and child marriage. Christian Religious Education has the potential to challenge these norms by promoting the inherent dignity and equality of all individuals. However, as observed by Adeyemi (2018), the effectiveness of CRE in this regard is limited by the deep-rooted nature of these cultural practices.

Furthermore, while Christian Religious Education holds promise for promoting human rights in Nigeria, several challenges hinder its effectiveness. These include inconsistencies in curriculum implementation, inadequate teacher training and resources, socio-political barriers, and conflicting cultural norms. Addressing these issues requires a concerted effort from educational authorities, religious leaders, and policymakers to ensure that CRE can fulfill its potential in fostering a culture of human rights in Nigeria. Further research and policy interventions are needed to bridge these gaps and enhance the role of CRE in promoting human rights.

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The study examines the roles of Christian Religious Education in Promoting Human Rights in Nigeria. The specific objectives are:

  1. To examine the historical development of Christian Religious Education in Nigeria and its impact on human rights awareness.
  2. To assess the current curriculum and teaching methods of Christian Religious Education in Nigerian schools and their effectiveness in promoting human rights values.
  3. To investigate the attitudes and perceptions of students towards human rights issues as influenced by Christian Religious Education.
  4. To explore the role of Christian Religious Education in shaping societal norms and values related to human rights in Nigeria.
  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. How has the historical development of Christian Religious Education in Nigeria impacted human rights awareness?
  2. How effective are the current curriculum and teaching methods of Christian Religious Education in Nigerian schools in promoting human rights values?
  3. How do students’ attitudes and perceptions towards human rights issues change as a result of Christian Religious Education?
  4. In what ways does Christian Religious Education shape societal norms and values related to human rights in Nigeria?
  • Research hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Christian Religious Education does not contribute to the Promotion of Human Rights in Nigeria

H1: Christian Religious Education contribute to the Promotion of Human Rights in Nigeria

  • Significance of the Study

The study of Christian Religious Education (CRE) in Nigeria is deeply rooted in the historical context of the country. Christianity, introduced by missionaries in the 19th century, brought with it not only religious teachings but also Western education and values, including the concept of human rights. Understanding the historical foundation of CRE helps to appreciate its role in shaping societal values and norms. This study is significant as it traces the evolution of these teachings and their impact on the perception and promotion of human rights in Nigeria.

Christian Religious Education has been a part of the Nigerian educational curriculum for decades. By examining its content and pedagogical approaches, this study highlights how CRE has been instrumental in instilling values such as justice, equality, and respect for human dignity among students. These values are fundamental to human rights. The study underscores the importance of education in shaping young minds and fostering a culture of human rights from an early age.

One of the key roles of CRE is to provide a moral and ethical framework based on Christian teachings. This framework emphasizes the inherent worth of every individual, the importance of love and compassion, and the need for social justice. By promoting these values, CRE contributes to the development of a society that respects and upholds human rights. The study is significant as it explores how these moral teachings translate into real-world actions and attitudes towards human rights.

Christian Religious Education often encourages students to engage in advocacy and social justice initiatives. This study examines specific examples of how CRE has inspired individuals and groups to take action against human rights abuses in Nigeria. By documenting these efforts, the study highlights the practical impact of religious education in promoting human rights and social change. It also provides insights into the challenges and successes of these advocacy efforts.

Nigeria is a diverse country with multiple religious and ethnic groups. The study of CRE’s role in promoting human rights is significant as it also considers the interfaith and cultural dialogue it fosters. By promoting understanding and respect for different beliefs and practices, CRE can help to bridge divides and reduce conflicts. This aspect of the study is crucial in a country where religious and ethnic tensions have often led to human rights violations.

Finally, the study has significant policy implications. By providing a detailed analysis of the role of CRE in promoting human rights, it offers recommendations for policymakers, educators, and religious leaders. These recommendations can help to strengthen the curriculum, improve teaching methods, and enhance the overall impact of CRE on human rights promotion. The study’s findings can inform policies that support the integration of human rights education into religious and secular educational systems, ultimately contributing to a more just and equitable society in Nigeria.

In summary, the study of the roles of Christian Religious Education in promoting human rights in Nigeria is significant for its historical insights, educational impact, moral and ethical contributions, advocacy efforts, interfaith dialogue, and policy implications. It provides a comprehensive understanding of how religious education can be a powerful tool in the promotion and protection of human rights.

  • Scope of the Study

The study examines the roles of Christian Religious Education in Promoting Human Rights in Nigeria. The study is limited to selected Human Rights Organizations in Lagos.

  • Operational Definition of Terms

Roles: Roles refer to the functions, responsibilities, or expected behaviors associated with a particular position, activity, or context. In the context of a study, roles can describe the specific contributions or impacts that a subject (such as Christian Religious Education) has within a particular area (such as promoting human rights).

Christian Religious Education: Christian Religious Education (CRE) is the teaching and learning process focused on the doctrines, beliefs, practices, and values of Christianity. It often takes place in various settings, including churches, schools, and community groups, and aims to impart religious knowledge, moral values, and ethical guidelines based on Christian teachings.

Promoting: Promoting involves actively supporting, encouraging, or advocating for a particular cause, idea, or practice. It includes efforts to raise awareness, educate, and influence others to adopt or support the cause. In this context, promoting human rights means taking actions to ensure that human rights are recognized, respected, and upheld. 

Human Rights: Human rights are the fundamental rights and freedoms that every person is entitled to, simply by virtue of being human. These rights are universal, inalienable, and indivisible, and they include civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights. Examples of human rights include the right to life, freedom of speech, equality before the law, and the right to education.


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