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This study intends to examine the concept of preaching and teaching of strange church doctrines and Christian Education in the context of Uma Ukpai School of Theology and its relationship with the production of properly trained Christian leaders. Scholars have written on the nexus between preaching and teaching of strange church doctrines and Christian education but have adequately situated this in context of Uma Ukpai School of Theology. Christianity is not abstract, but it presents practical truths for every human endeavour. The methodology adopted for the paper is the descriptive phenomenological approach whereby data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. The contribution of Christian Education and preaching and teaching of strange church doctrines to the development of the theological schools were highlighted and recommendations were taken into consideration to ensure that sound doctrines were taught in our churches and schools to help eradicate strange church doctrines been taught today in our churches. The research concludes that Christian Education and eradication of strange church doctrines are essential in having a sound church and seasoned church leaders capable of defending the Christian faith as were delivered to the Apostles – in context of Uma Ukpai School of Theology.

                                       TABLE OF CONTENTS


1.1 Background to the Study

1.2 Statement of the Problem

1.3 Purpose of the Study

1.4 Significance of the Study

1.5 Delimitation of the Study

1.6 Limitation of the Study

1.7 Research Methodology

1.8 Definition of Terms


2.1.1 Concept of Christian Education

2.1.2 Concept of Doctrine

2.2 Strange and False Doctrines

2.3 Historical Background of Christian Education

2.4 Other Religions’ Views of Education

2.5 Disparities and Relationship between Christian Education and Secular Education

2.6 Studies on the Preaching and Teaching of Strange Church Doctrines


3.1 Christian Education in the Old Testament

3.1.1 Christian Education in the Pentateuch

3.1.2 Christian Education in the Prophets

3.1.3    Christian Education in the Writings

3.2 Christian Education in the New Testament

3.2 Christian Education in the New Testament

3.2.1    Christian Education in the Gospel

3.2.2    Christian Education in the Acts of Apostles

3.2.3    Christian Education in the Epistles


4.1 Brief history of “Uma Ukpai School of Theology”

4.2 Christian Education Program of Uma Ukpai School of Theology

4.3 Impact of Christian Education in Uma Ukpai School of Theology

4.4 Challenges and Solution to an Effective Christian Education in Nigeria

4.5 The Implication and Application of Christian Education in Nigeria

4.6 Presentation and Analysis of the Data


5.1 Summary of Findings

5.2 Conclusion

5.2 Recommendations



                                                 CHAPTER ONE


1.1 Background to the Study

Christian education must be passed down from one generation to another as God places so much value on his words. Christian education is essential and a necessity in tackling the challenges of strange doctrines in churches today. According to (Olarewaju, 2011), Christian education refers to the kind of training that lead people into a vital living relationship with Jesus Christ, and that nurtures each student in the doctrine outlined in the Bible. Preaching and teaching of strange church doctrines is teaching and preaching that go in contrast to the sound doctrine as delivered to the Apostles. It has to do with deviant of some who are not rooted in Christ and teaching that which is not centered on Christ.

Christian education in the religious sense includes all efforts and processes which help to bring mankind into a vital and saving experience of God revealed in Christ Jesus. The social, moral and spiritual qualities could be learnt in Christian Religious Education. Man is a physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual being. Any educational system which neglects the spiritual part is unbalance (Musongole, 2010). The contents of Christian Religious Education is based on the teachings contained in the Holy Bible which included the importing of knowledge about the existence of God, the creation stories, the salvation of God’s people, imminent condemnation of the disobedient to the commandments of God. Through Christian education, young and adult have the potential to learn skills such as exploration of religious, human experience, and one’s personal search through observing, investigating, questioning, researching, enquiring, listening and synthesizing. This makes Christian religious education unique and able to address issues on strange doctrine. Christian religious education as a problem solving discipline is also interested in finding out the causes of doctrinal differences in Christianity (Quaarcoopome, 2008).

Some scholars have considered Christian education with Jesus Christ, and not human beings, as being central to Christian Education. Christ is the end and not the people. To be like Christ is the great goal of Christian Education. The result is, therefore that the person becomes the focus of the educative process but not the end. The entire educative process is directed toward the people as a means to an end in bringing the people to Christ-likeness. Where Christian education is properly organized, it distributes widely within the fellowship the responsibility of communication of the Christian message. Thus, the various talents and interests of the students and members of the theological institutions are utilized. The task of Christian education is to promote growth in spiritual character by guiding the learning according to known laws of growth as it participates in the life of the students in theological schools. Christian education, as a basic part of the theological school, provides essential agencies which must of course be correlated to prevent overlapping and omission, as well as to meet the particular needs of each student.

During the time of creation, God had laid down the sample foundation for the systematic practice of Christian Education. As a concept, Preaching and teaching strange church doctrines and Christian education are commonly used in church and outside the church. It is the summary of the quality of the leader’s character and God’s word. The connection between Christian education and preaching and teaching of strange church doctrines has somehow been neglected in theological schools today. Previous studies on Christian education and preaching and teaching of strange church doctrines has a lot to say about in the context of Uma Ukpai School of Theology. Therefore, this study seeks to conceptualize Preaching and teaching strange church doctrines concerning Christian Education and in the context of Uma Ukpai School of Theology, Uyo and to highlight God’s expectations for Christian leaders, especially those who have been exposed to Christian theological education.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

There are many reoccurring issues in today’s Christianity as a result of doctrinal differences, and the failure to provide an effective Christian education to tackle this issues may cause many damage to the Body of Christ. The continuous question of why are there so many Christian denominations in Nigeria led to the argument that will be addressed in the course of this study. Looking at scholar’s response to the above question, we must first differentiate between denominations within the body of Christ and secular institutions. Denominations are based on disagreements over the interpretation of Scripture. An example would be the meaning and purpose of baptism. Disagreements over the interpretation of Scripture are taken personally and become points of contention. This leads to arguments which can and have done much to destroy the witness of the church. Denominations today are used to one man’s self-interest which is the founder or overseer. There are denominations today that are in a state of self-destruction as they are being led into apostasy by those who are promoting their personal agendas. The rise of denominations within the Christian faith can be traced back to the Protestant Reformation, the movement to “reform” the Roman Catholic Church during the 16th century, out of which four major divisions or traditions of Protestantism would emerge: Lutheran, Reformed, Anabaptist, and Anglican. From these four, other denominations grew over the centuries. Denominations today are many and varied. The original “mainline” denominations mentioned above have spawned numerous offshoots such as Assemblies of God, Christian and Missionary Alliance, Nazarenes, Evangelical Free, independent Bible churches, and others. Some denominations emphasize slight doctrinal controversies, but more often they simply offer different styles of worship to fit the differing tastes and preferences of Christians. But make no mistake: ignoring this fact that as believers, should be of one mind on the essentials of the faith, but beyond that there is great deal of latitude in how Christians should worship in a corporate setting. This latitude is what causes so many doctrinal controversies “flavors” of Christianity. This separation, though, does not lift the responsibility Christians have to love one another (1 John 4:11-12) and ultimately be united as one in Christ (John 17:21-22). Unlike other religions with just one or few denominations, the Christian religion posted so many challenges ranging from doctrinal controversies. This led the researcher to look into Christian education as a solution to preaching strange doctrine in context of Uma Ukpai School of Theology, Uyo study centre.

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The main purpose for this research work is to examine Christian education as a solution to preaching strange doctrine. The specific objectives are;

  1. To examine the impact of Christian education on doctrinal teachings in Uma Ukpai School of Theology, Uyo.
  2. To ascertain the relationship between Christian education and the teaching of strange doctrine.
  3. To evaluate the effect of Christian education for transgenerational leadership, particularly in the practice of sound doctrine.
  4. To present a biblical understanding and example of the teaching ministry in relation with the purpose of Christian education.

1.4 Significance of the Study

It is often imperative to question what would be the significance of any endeavor, be it academic or otherwise. This is also applicable in this study. The researcher anticipates that at the completion of this study, will give a clear insight on the knowledge and practice of various doctrines in churches. This research work will be of great benefit to general overseers, pastors, church leaders, and deacons in unveiling the efficacy of Christian education to church doctrine.

The study findings will to address the implication of Christian education in church and society. The research will set an alarm for church leaders and youth to uphold biblical basis of teaching for the future transgenerational leaders to be rooted in their faith and believe. This study will also serve as a gap-closer to existing literature on the subject of doctrinal differences and denominationalism as it affects Christianity in Nigeria.

Furthermore, this study will add to existing store of knowledge. Thus, the findings will add to studies that have been done, so that people in other part of the country can also appreciate the recommendations.

Finally, it will be a source for further research and of relevance to seminary students, theologians, church historians, future researchers and stakeholders in the field of research and education.

1.5 Delimitation of the Study

Given that the Uma Ukpai School of Theology is one of the renounce bible college Akwa Ibom and Nigeria and considering the fact that there are many school of theology in the State, it was not the objective of the researcher to critically examine Christian education as a solution to preaching strange doctrine in all the school of theology in Akwa Ibom State. Instead, the research focused specifically on using a Biblical perspective to examine Christian education as a solution to preaching strange doctrine in Uma Ukpai School of Theology, Uyo study Centre as a case study.

1.6 Limitation of the Study

Every research work has some shortcomings which arise as a result of problems encountered by the researcher in the course of the work.

The researcher encountered some difficulties in getting the questionnaires to those concerned, some church leaders and members given questionnaire were hoarding relevant information. A good number of others did not return their questionnaire.

There was limitation due to funds which made it difficulty to get to all the necessary materials for the study.

Notwithstanding these foregoing limitations, the researcher still had the opportunity to distribute and collect the questionnaires from the respondents as well as gain access to relevant information from people that were interviewed. The researcher believes that these limitations did not hinder the researcher to present reliable compilations of the research work.

1.7 Research Methodology

The methods and procedures used in carrying out this research work are as following:

  1. Historical method of research: The research employed more of library and less field work. The primary data was collected from the Bible while the secondary data was collected from books and journals.
  2. The Library of Uma Ukpai School of Theology bookshop were consulted for materials on Christian Education and transgenerational leadership.
  3. Internet Sources were also consulted with adequate reference.
  4. Relevant people such as Pastors, Christian educators and members were interviewed in Uma Ukpai Evangelical Ministry and the information was put to use in the study.

1.8 Definition of Terms

The following are the definitions of the basic terms employed all through the research:

Christian Education:

This is the intentional efforts to pass on the Christian faith and lifestyle to others. It involves people of mature faith nurturing others who are growing faith.

Preaching: this is the delivery of a sermon or religious address to an assembled group of people, typically in church.

Teaching: Teaching is the process of attending to people’s needs, experiences and feelings, and intervening so that they learn particular things, and go beyond the given.

Doctrine: This is a particular principle, position, or policy taught or advocated, as of a religion or government. It is a belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a Church, political party, or other group.

Transgenerational Leadership:

This is a kind of leadership style which plans and prepares for the succession of the next generations.

Doctrinal differences: this is defined in this context as the different views, belief and mode of operation of various churches that varies with that of others.

Pentecostal: Pentecostalism or Classical Pentecostalism is a renewal movement within Protestant Christianity that places special emphasis on a direct personal experience of God through the baptism with the Holy Spirit.

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