Project – The effect of church doctrine in the society

Project – The effect of church doctrine in the society



  • Background to the Study

The influence of church doctrine on Nigerian society is a multifaceted topic that has been explored by various scholars. The church, particularly the Christian faith, has a significant presence in Nigeria, with over half of the population identifying as Christian (Pew Research Center, 2010). The doctrines of these churches, therefore, have a profound impact on societal norms, values, and behaviors.

One of the most notable effects of church doctrine in Nigerian society is its influence on moral and ethical standards. According to a study by Omenka (2018), church teachings often serve as a moral compass for many Nigerians, guiding their decisions and actions in various aspects of life. This influence is particularly evident in areas such as marriage, family life, and interpersonal relationships, where church doctrines often dictate acceptable behaviors and practices.

Church doctrine also plays a significant role in shaping social and political attitudes in Nigeria. As noted by Ukah (2003), many churches in Nigeria actively engage in political discourse, often using their doctrines to inform their positions on various issues. This has led to the church becoming a significant player in Nigerian politics, with its doctrines often influencing the political beliefs and actions of its members.

However, the influence of church doctrine on Nigerian society is not without controversy. Some scholars, such as Akinade (2011), argue that certain church doctrines may contribute to social inequality and discrimination. For instance, some churches’ teachings on gender roles and homosexuality have been criticized for perpetuating harmful stereotypes and prejudices.

Despite these criticisms, it is undeniable that church doctrine continues to have a profound impact on Nigerian society. As observed by Falola (1998), the church remains a central institution in Nigeria, with its doctrines shaping many aspects of societal life. However, the exact nature and extent of this influence is a complex issue that requires further research.

The effect of church doctrine on Nigerian society is a complex and multifaceted issue. While church doctrine undoubtedly shapes many aspects of societal life, its influence is not without controversy. Further research is needed to fully understand the impact of church doctrine on Nigerian society.

  • Statement of the Problem

The problem of the influence of church doctrine on Nigerian society is a complex issue that has been the subject of much debate. The church, being a significant institution in Nigeria, has a profound impact on societal norms, values, and behaviors. However, the extent and nature of this influence are not well understood (Omenka, 2018).

The church doctrine, which is the foundation of the church’s teachings and beliefs, is believed to shape the moral and ethical standards of its adherents. However, there is a lack of empirical evidence to substantiate this claim (Adeyemo, 2016). This gap in knowledge presents a problem as it hinders a comprehensive understanding of the role of the church in shaping societal norms and behaviors in Nigeria.

Furthermore, the church’s influence is not uniform across Nigeria due to the country’s religious diversity. The impact of church doctrine varies significantly between the predominantly Christian South and the predominantly Muslim North (Falola, 1998). This regional disparity further complicates the understanding of the church’s influence on Nigerian society.

Moreover, the church’s role in societal issues such as corruption, poverty, and inequality is ambiguous. While some argue that the church has a positive influence by promoting ethical behavior and social justice (Ukah, 2008), others contend that the church exacerbates these issues by promoting prosperity theology and reinforcing societal hierarchies (Obadare, 2016).

Additionally, the influence of church doctrine on societal attitudes towards gender roles and sexuality is a contentious issue. While some argue that the church promotes patriarchal norms and homophobia (Oyěwùmí, 1997), others contend that the church provides a platform for challenging these norms and advocating for gender equality and LGBT rights (Adogame, 2013).

The problem of the influence of church doctrine on Nigerian society is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires further research. The lack of empirical evidence, regional disparities, ambiguous role in societal issues, and contentious influence on gender roles and sexuality are key aspects of this problem.

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the effect of Church doctrine in the society. The specific objectives are:

  1. To examine the extent to which church doctrine influences societal norms and values in Nigeria.
  2. To investigate the role of church doctrine in shaping the moral and ethical standards of the Nigerian society.
  3. To assess the impact of church doctrine on social behaviors and attitudes in Nigeria.
  4. To explore the relationship between church doctrine and societal development in Nigeria.


  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. To what extent does church doctrine influence societal norms and values in Nigeria?
  2. What role does church doctrine play in shaping the moral and ethical standards of the Nigerian society?
  3. How does church doctrine impact social behaviors and attitudes in Nigeria?
  4. Is there a relationship between church doctrine and societal development in Nigeria?
  • Research Hypothesis

The research hypothesis is stated below:

Ho: Church doctrine has no significant impact on societal development in Nigeria

H1: Church doctrine has significant impact on societal development in Nigeria

1.6. Significance of the Study

The significance of studying the effect of church doctrine on society cannot be overstated. This research aims to shed light on the profound influence that religious teachings can have on societal norms, values, and behaviors. By examining the role of church doctrine in shaping societal attitudes and behaviors, this study can provide valuable insights into the mechanisms through which religious beliefs can shape societal development.

The second paragraph of the significance of the study would focus on the potential for this research to inform policy decisions. Understanding the influence of church doctrine on societal norms and values can help policymakers and leaders in Nigeria to make informed decisions that take into account the religious beliefs of their constituents. This could lead to more effective policies that are in line with the values and beliefs of the people they are meant to serve.

Thirdly, this study could also have significant implications for religious leaders and institutions. By understanding the impact of their teachings on society, religious leaders can better tailor their messages to promote positive societal values and behaviors. This could potentially lead to a more harmonious society where religious beliefs and societal norms and values are in alignment.

In the fourth paragraph, the significance of this study lies in its potential to contribute to the academic literature on the relationship between religion and society. Despite the considerable amount of research on this topic, there is still much to learn about the specific ways in which church doctrine influences societal norms and values. This study could fill this gap in the literature and provide a foundation for future research on this topic.

Fifthly, this study could also have significant implications for the broader Nigerian society. By understanding the influence of church doctrine on societal norms and values, individuals can gain a better understanding of the forces that shape their beliefs and behaviors. This could lead to increased self-awareness and a greater understanding of the role of religion in society.

Finally, the significance of this study extends beyond Nigeria. While this study focuses on the Nigerian context, the findings could potentially be applicable to other societies where religion plays a significant role. This could contribute to a broader understanding of the relationship between religion and society, which is a topic of global relevance.

1.7. Scope of the Study

The study examines the effect of church doctrine in the society. The study is restricted to selected Pentecostal Churches in Lagos Nigeria.

  • Operational Definition of Terms
  1. Effect: This term generally refers to a result or an outcome that is caused by or attributable to a particular action, phenomenon, or other causal factor. For example, in the sentence “The effect of the medication was immediate,” the term “effect” refers to the result of taking the medication.
  2. Church Doctrine: This refers to the official teachings or principles of a church or religious group. These doctrines are usually based on religious texts and are considered authoritative and binding for the followers of that religion. For example, the doctrine of the Trinity in Christianity, which holds that God is three coexistent, co-eternal persons – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
  3. Society: This term refers to a group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social group sharing the same geographical or social territory, typically subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations. Societies are characterized by patterns of relationships (social relations) between individuals who share a distinctive culture and institutions.
  4. Church: This term has multiple meanings. It can refer to a physical building where religious activities, particularly Christian worship services, are conducted. It can also refer to a particular Christian organization, typically one with its own clergy, buildings, and distinctive doctrines, like the Roman Catholic Church or the Baptist Church. In a broader sense, “church” can also refer to the collective body of all people who follow a particular Christian faith, regardless of their specific denomination or organization.

Project – The effect of church doctrine in the society