Project – Pre-marital counseling as a Panacea to Prevent Marital Problems in the Growth of Foursquare Gospel Church Ijebu Igbo Waterside District Headquarters

Project – Pre-marital counseling as a Panacea to Prevent Marital Problems in the Growth of Foursquare Gospel Church Ijebu Igbo Waterside District Headquarters



  • Background to the Study

Pre-marital counseling has been identified as a crucial intervention in preparing couples for marriage, particularly within the context of church growth in Nigeria. The institution of marriage is highly revered in Nigerian society, and the church plays a significant role in upholding its sanctity. According to Oladeji (2013), pre-marital counseling provides couples with the necessary tools to navigate the complexities of marital life, thereby reducing the incidence of marital problems. This preventive approach is essential in fostering stable marriages, which in turn contribute to the overall growth and stability of the church community.

One of the primary benefits of pre-marital counseling is its ability to address potential conflicts before they escalate into serious issues. A study by Adeoye and Olusakin (2014) found that couples who underwent pre-marital counseling reported higher levels of marital satisfaction and lower levels of conflict compared to those who did not. The counseling sessions typically cover a range of topics, including communication skills, financial management, and conflict resolution strategies. By equipping couples with these skills, the church can help mitigate common marital problems that often lead to separation or divorce, which can have a detrimental effect on church growth.

Furthermore, pre-marital counseling serves as a platform for couples to discuss their expectations and goals for the marriage. This is particularly important in the Nigerian context, where cultural and religious expectations can sometimes clash. According to Nwoye (2011), pre-marital counseling helps couples align their individual expectations with their shared goals, fostering a sense of unity and purpose. This alignment is crucial for the stability of the marriage and, by extension, the stability of the church community. When couples are united in their goals and expectations, they are more likely to contribute positively to the growth of the church.

The role of the church in providing pre-marital counseling cannot be overstated. Churches in Nigeria often serve as the primary source of guidance and support for couples preparing for marriage. According to Adebayo (2015), many churches have established structured pre-marital counseling programs that are mandatory for couples seeking to marry within the church. These programs are typically led by experienced counselors or clergy members who are well-versed in both biblical principles and practical marital advice. By institutionalizing pre-marital counseling, the church ensures that couples receive consistent and comprehensive preparation for marriage.

In addition to preventing marital problems, pre-marital counseling also contributes to the spiritual growth of the couple. According to Ezeh (2016), pre-marital counseling sessions often include discussions on the spiritual aspects of marriage, such as the importance of prayer, faith, and mutual support in the marital relationship. This spiritual foundation is essential for the couple’s personal growth and their ability to contribute to the spiritual growth of the church. When couples are spiritually grounded, they are more likely to be active and committed members of the church, thereby contributing to its growth and vitality.

In conclusion, pre-marital counseling is a vital tool in preventing marital problems and promoting church growth in Nigeria. By addressing potential conflicts, aligning expectations, and providing spiritual guidance, pre-marital counseling helps couples build strong and stable marriages. This, in turn, contributes to the overall stability and growth of the church community. As such, it is imperative for churches in Nigeria to continue to prioritize and institutionalize pre-marital counseling as a key component of their ministry.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

The institution of marriage is a cornerstone of societal stability and personal fulfillment, yet it faces numerous challenges that can lead to marital discord and even dissolution. In Nigeria, the church plays a pivotal role in the social and spiritual lives of its congregants, often serving as a primary support system for married couples. Despite this, the rate of marital problems and divorces within the church community is alarmingly high. This raises a critical question: why are these issues so prevalent, and what can be done to mitigate them? One potential solution that has gained attention is pre-marital counseling, which aims to equip couples with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate the complexities of married life. However, the effectiveness of pre-marital counseling in preventing marital problems and fostering church growth in Nigeria remains underexplored.

The lack of comprehensive pre-marital counseling programs in many Nigerian churches is a significant concern. While some churches offer basic counseling sessions, these are often insufficient in addressing the multifaceted challenges that couples may face. Issues such as financial management, communication skills, conflict resolution, and sexual compatibility are rarely covered in depth. Consequently, many couples enter marriage ill-prepared for the realities they will encounter, leading to conflicts that could have been mitigated with proper guidance. This gap in pre-marital preparation not only affects the couples but also has broader implications for the church community, as marital instability can lead to decreased church attendance and participation.

Moreover, the cultural context of Nigeria presents unique challenges that pre-marital counseling must address. Traditional beliefs and societal expectations often place immense pressure on couples, sometimes conflicting with modern views on marriage and individual autonomy. For instance, the extended family system can exert significant influence on marital decisions, sometimes leading to conflicts that couples are ill-equipped to handle. Pre-marital counseling programs that do not take these cultural nuances into account may fail to provide the necessary support, thereby limiting their effectiveness. Therefore, there is a pressing need for culturally sensitive counseling programs that can bridge the gap between traditional values and contemporary marital expectations.

Another critical issue is the lack of trained counselors who can deliver effective pre-marital counseling. Many churches rely on pastors or lay leaders who may not have formal training in counseling or psychology. While these individuals may offer valuable spiritual guidance, they may lack the expertise to address the psychological and emotional aspects of marital preparation. This inadequacy can result in superficial counseling sessions that do not equip couples with the tools they need for a successful marriage. Investing in the training and development of qualified counselors is essential for the success of pre-marital counseling programs.

Furthermore, the stigma associated with seeking counseling in Nigeria cannot be overlooked. Many individuals view counseling as a sign of weakness or an admission of failure, which can deter couples from participating in pre-marital counseling programs. This stigma is often compounded by a lack of awareness about the benefits of counseling, leading to low participation rates. Churches must work to destigmatize counseling and promote it as a proactive and positive step towards a healthy marriage. Public awareness campaigns and testimonials from couples who have benefited from pre-marital counseling could be effective strategies in this regard.

The high rate of marital problems within the Nigerian church community underscores the urgent need for effective pre-marital counseling programs. These programs must be comprehensive, culturally sensitive, and delivered by trained professionals to address the unique challenges faced by Nigerian couples. By investing in pre-marital counseling, churches can not only help couples build strong, resilient marriages but also foster a more stable and engaged congregation, ultimately contributing to church growth. Addressing these issues is not just a matter of individual well-being but a crucial step towards the overall health and growth of the church community in Nigeria.

1.3. Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the pre-marital counseling as a Panacea to Prevent Marital Problems in the Growth of Foursquare Gospel Church Ijebu Igbo Waterside District Headquarters. The specific objectives are:

  1. To investigate the effectiveness of pre-marital counseling in reducing marital problems within the Foursquare Gospel Church.
  2. To explore the attitudes and perceptions of Foursquare Gospel Church members towards pre-marital counseling.
  3. To examine the impact of pre-marital counseling on the growth and stability of marriages within the Foursquare Gospel Church.
  4. To identify any common challenges faced by Foursquare Gospel Church members in accessing pre-marital counseling services.

1.4. Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. How effective is pre-marital counseling in reducing marital problems within the Foursquare Gospel Church community?
  2. What are the attitudes and perceptions of Foursquare Gospel Church members towards pre-marital counseling?
  3. What is the impact of pre-marital counseling on the growth and stability of marriages within the Foursquare Gospel Church?
  4. What are the common challenges faced by Foursquare Gospel Church members in accessing pre-marital counseling services?

1.5. Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Pre-marital counseling has no effect on the growth and stability of marriages within the Foursquare Gospel Church

H1: Pre-marital counseling has effect on the growth and stability of marriages within the Foursquare Gospel Church.

1.6. Significance of the Study

Pre-marital counseling holds significant importance in the context of the Foursquare Gospel Church Ijebu Igbo Waterside District Headquarters, as it serves as a proactive measure to prevent marital problems. By addressing potential issues before they arise, couples are better equipped to handle the challenges of married life. This counseling provides a structured environment where couples can discuss their expectations, roles, and responsibilities, which is crucial for fostering a strong and healthy marriage. The church, by offering such counseling, demonstrates its commitment to the well-being of its members and the stability of their families.

One of the key benefits of pre-marital counseling is that it helps couples develop effective communication skills. Many marital problems stem from poor communication, and by learning how to express their thoughts and feelings openly and honestly, couples can avoid misunderstandings and conflicts. The counseling sessions often include exercises and discussions that teach active listening, empathy, and conflict resolution. These skills are not only beneficial for the couple’s relationship but also contribute to a more harmonious church community.

Furthermore, pre-marital counseling addresses the spiritual aspect of marriage, which is particularly important in a religious setting like the Foursquare Gospel Church. Couples are guided to understand the biblical principles of marriage and how to apply them in their daily lives. This spiritual foundation helps couples to align their marriage with their faith, providing a sense of purpose and direction. It also reinforces the church’s teachings and values, ensuring that the congregation remains united in their beliefs and practices.

Another significant aspect of pre-marital counseling is that it helps couples to set realistic expectations for their marriage. Unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment and frustration, which are common sources of marital strife. Through counseling, couples can discuss their hopes and dreams, as well as their fears and concerns, in a safe and supportive environment. This process helps them to develop a more balanced and realistic view of marriage, which can prevent many common problems from arising.

Pre-marital counseling also provides an opportunity for couples to identify and address any potential issues before they become serious problems. This proactive approach can prevent many of the common causes of marital breakdown, such as financial difficulties, infidelity, and incompatible goals. By discussing these issues openly and honestly, couples can develop strategies to manage them effectively. This not only strengthens their relationship but also contributes to the overall stability and growth of the church community.

Pre-marital counseling is a valuable tool for preventing marital problems and promoting the growth of the Foursquare Gospel Church Ijebu Igbo Waterside District Headquarters. By equipping couples with the skills and knowledge they need to build a strong and healthy marriage, the church is investing in the long-term well-being of its members. This, in turn, fosters a more stable and supportive church community, which is essential for the church’s growth and success.

1.7. Scope of the Study

The study examines pre-marital counseling as a Panacea to Prevent Marital Problems in the Growth of Foursquare Gospel Church Ijebu Igbo Waterside District Headquarters.

1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

  1. Pre-marital counseling: This is a type of therapy that helps couples prepare for marriage. It is designed to help partners improve their relationship before they tie the knot, addressing issues such as communication, conflict resolution, financial planning, and expectations about marriage. The goal is to equip couples with the tools and understanding they need to build a strong, healthy, and lasting marriage.
  2. Panacea: This term refers to a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases. In a broader sense, it is often used metaphorically to describe something that is believed to solve all problems or cure all ills. The term originates from Greek mythology, where Panacea was the goddess of universal remedy.
  3. Prevent: To prevent means to stop something from happening or arising. It involves taking measures to ensure that a particular event, condition, or problem does not occur. In the context of pre-marital counseling, prevention would involve addressing potential issues before they become significant problems in a marriage.
  4. Marital Problems: These are issues or conflicts that arise within a marriage. They can include a wide range of difficulties such as communication breakdowns, financial disputes, infidelity, differences in parenting styles, and lack of intimacy. Marital problems can strain the relationship between spouses and, if not addressed, can lead to separation or divorce.
  5. Growth: Growth refers to the process of increasing in size, number, value, or strength. In the context of an organization like the Foursquare Gospel Church, growth can mean an increase in membership, spiritual development, community impact, or the expansion of church activities and programs.
  6. Foursquare Gospel Church: The Foursquare Gospel Church is a Protestant evangelical Pentecostal Christian denomination founded in 1923 by Aimee Semple McPherson. It emphasizes four fundamental principles: Jesus Christ as the Savior, Baptizer with the Holy Spirit, Healer, and Soon-Coming King. The church is known for its commitment to evangelism, missions, and the empowerment of believers through the Holy Spirit.

Project – Pre-marital counseling as a Panacea to Prevent Marital Problems in the Growth of Foursquare Gospel Church Ijebu Igbo Waterside District Headquarters