Christian Religious Studies (CRS) instruction in secondary schools is essential to students’ spiritual and moral growth. It has been determined that the efficacy of CRS education in secondary schools is impacted by a number of factors. This study of the relevant research will investigate these aspects and how they affect CRS education at the secondary level.

Teachers’ familiarity with and comfort with the material are important elements in students’ learning of CRS in secondary schools. Adeyemi and Adeyinka (2015) argue that teachers may struggle to convey the importance of CRS if they do not have a firm grasp of the topic themselves. This might cause kids to lose interest in learning and do poorly in school. Therefore, before to instructing pupils on a topic, teachers should have a solid grasp of that topic themselves.

Teaching CRS effectively in secondary schools is also impacted by the lack of appropriate educational materials. A shortage of textbooks, audio-visual aids, and other instructional tools might impede successful teaching of CRS in secondary schools, according to Oyebanji & Oyebanji (2017). Without these tools, teachers may struggle to convey difficult topics to their pupils, and students may struggle to completely absorb the material.

Secondary school instructors’ pedagogical practices also significantly contribute to the success of CRS education. Oyebanji and Oyebanji (2017) found that compared to lecturing alone, more students learned CRS when lecturers used interactive approaches such group discussions, debates, and role-playing. Students learn more actively and effectively when they are given opportunities to contribute to the classroom discussion.

The way in which students feel about CRS may also have an impact on how well it is used in the classroom. Students with a negative attitude toward CRS may not be motivated to master the topic, which might impact their academic achievement, as stated by Adeyemi and Adeyinka (2015). Teachers may do a lot to change their students’ perspectives about CRS by making it more engaging and applicable to their lives.

Lastly, the secondary school setting may have an impact on how well CRS is taught there. Oyebanji and Oyebanji (2017) state that CRS instruction is more successful in schools that create a positive learning environment. This includes things like enough classroom supplies and a welcoming atmosphere. Teachers and students alike might benefit from a more upbeat atmosphere in the classroom.

In conclusion, several factors influence the successful teaching of CRS in secondary schools, including the teacher’s knowledge and understanding of the subject, the availability of teaching resources, the teaching methods used, students’ attitudes towards the subject, and the school environment. These considerations should be taken into account by teachers and school administrators as they work to develop and execute initiatives to enhance the teaching of CRS in secondary schools.


Adeyemi, T. O., & Adeyinka, A. A. (2015). Factors affecting effective teaching of Christian Religious Studies in secondary schools in Nigeria. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(6), 1-6.

Oyebanji, O. A., & Oyebanji, O. S. (2017). Factors affecting effective teaching and learning of Christian Religious Studies in secondary schools in Nigeria. International Journal of Education and Research, 5(2), 1-12.