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This research was carried out to find out the Impact of Industrial Training on Banking and Finance Students of I.M.T. Enugu. The project was divided into four chapters. Chapter one dealt with Background of the study scope of the study and limitation of the study.
Chapter two looked at the methodology used for the research, while chapter three gave a vertical analysis of the Related Literature Review, Historical Background of Industrial Training Fund and Development of SIWES.
A summary of findings, recommendation and conclusion were draw in chapter four.



As a result of Increasing School Leavers Unemployment in the 1970s the Nigerian Government Introduced the new National Policy on Education in 1981. A major provision of the policy was the Introduction of the training of Banking and Finance Studies of Junior Secondary School (JSS) Level with emphasis on total acquisition of practical skills valve and knowledge that would enable Individuals live meaningfully in the society.
One of the reason for the emphasis on Banking and Finance Studies is the fact that it is a skilled course which would equip its graduates with the needed skills for gainful employment even if they terminate that formal education at the Junior Secondary School Level. This is ensure that courses are taught according to the curriculum and using appropriate methodologies for the subject. It is not possible to teach a student to operate a computer machine nor effectively, without the computer machine nor is it possible to teach a student to operate a proportional spacing of typewriter without such a typewriter for teachers to teach Banking and Finance subject. They must have a thorough knowledge of the subject and certificate in the area, so that they can demonstrate their skill properly for the students to understand and emulate. Noah (1971) and Thompson (1964). The writers stressed that the individual will acquire skills and reach the stated goal by watching on expect and by practisng this I believe that the individual in addition to this, should be given enough practise to enable him master the art.
In other to enhance the study of Banking and Finance there is the need for student to go on field trip. For there will permit students to study equipment and the layout of office and store procedure and study the relationship between department. For effective and efficient work experience it is good that the Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) as a medium created to expose students to the realities of the world of work in the various disciplines. It enable students watch theoretical classroom knowledge with practical work environment through work or practise. Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme is aimed at the knowledge to technology for the advancement of the nation. Since it was recalled that SIWES programme was originally designed for processional courses. Such as Banking and Finance, Environment Studies, Engineering, vocational. From the above facts, it becomes clear that if the lofty dreams of the nation is to be feasible, the Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) should be encouraged all concerned to enhance the technological advancement of the nation.

This study is aimed at investigating the impact of Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme on Banking and Finance Students. The merits and demerits of the training to Banking and Finance Student. It will also printout the roles played by educational the Institutions and employers of the students employers of the during the period of the Industrial Training.

It requires little reasoning to discover that this research will be of immense benefits to ITF. It will enable them to see the prospect of their effort towards the programme.
It will also serve as a means of rediscovering the problems faced by trainers for possible modification to enable the continuity of the programme. It will also help them (ITF) to know if their aim and objectives are being fulfilled.
Furthermore this research will be of immense benefit to Banking and Finance Students. It will enable the school to be able to understand specific problem which may relate to the application of industrial training. Parents and guardians will also discover from the findings of the project the problem facing the students of Banking and Finance as far as Industrial Training is concerned. The secondary School Leavers also will find it necessary when making their choice of career.

The scope of the study is limited to the students of Banking and Finance. It is no way extended to other department in the school of financial studies. It is only based on finding out accurately the significance and impact that Industrial Training has created in this department and making the students that have passed and are about to pass out in this course excel professional in the course.

The period allocated to this project was very short. On the limited time, finance was another hindrance for the researcher in carrying out the report as she wished.

The study is centered on the impact of Industrial Training on Banking and Finance Students.
1. Can Industrial Training experience help students to secure jobs on graduation?
2. Do students learn what is relevant to their file of study in Industrial Training?
3. Will Industrial Training experience help the Banking and Finance Students in their working career?
4. Will Industrial Training experience help the Banking and Finance Students to work indifferent Banking and Finance and industrial officers?
5. Dose Industrial Training experience assist Banking and Finance Students in their academic work?

1. UNEMPLOYMENT: Lack of job for number of people in the society.
2. PRACTICAL SKILL: Skills gained resulting in idea.
3. METHODOLOGIES: The set of methods use for the study of action in a practical subject.
4. learning: The process of solving problems and process of adjustment through constant practice.
5. Industrial Training: The process of relating acquired theoretical knowledge gained to role life practical situation.
6. ITF Industrial Training Fund.
7. SIWES: Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme.
8. Banking and Finance Students: Those students studying Banking and Finance courses under Banking and Finance Department.

1. P.A. Akatu 2000 the non-bank Financial Institution the Central Bank of Nigeria bullion vol. 11 No 32
July 1 Sept. 2000 p. 32

2. Adet. Ojo the non-bank Financial Intermediates in Nigeria Financial System Bullion vol. 22. No 3 July 1Sept. 2002 p.2


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