• Background to the Study

The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has played a significant role in addressing religious crises in Nigeria, a country known for its religious diversity and occasional tensions between different faith communities. Established in 1976, CAN was formed to foster unity among the various Christian denominations in Nigeria and to provide a collective voice for Christians in the country. Over the years, CAN has been actively involved in mediating conflicts, promoting interfaith dialogue, and advocating for peace and justice. This literature review examines the impact of CAN in curbing religious crises in Nigeria, drawing on various scholarly sources and reports.

One of the primary ways CAN has contributed to curbing religious crises is through its efforts in promoting interfaith dialogue. According to Akinade (2013), CAN has been instrumental in initiating and sustaining dialogues between Christians and Muslims, which are the two major religious groups in Nigeria. These dialogues have provided a platform for mutual understanding and have helped to reduce tensions and misconceptions between the two communities. For instance, CAN has organized several interfaith conferences and workshops that bring together religious leaders from different faiths to discuss common issues and find peaceful solutions to conflicts.

In addition to promoting dialogue, CAN has also been active in advocating for policies that promote religious tolerance and protect the rights of religious minorities. As noted by Falola (1998), CAN has consistently called on the Nigerian government to implement policies that ensure freedom of religion and protect individuals from religious discrimination and violence. CAN’s advocacy efforts have included lobbying for the inclusion of religious tolerance education in school curricula and pushing for the enforcement of laws that prohibit hate speech and incitement to violence based on religion.

CAN’s role in mediating conflicts has also been significant. During periods of religious violence, CAN has often stepped in to mediate between conflicting parties and to provide humanitarian assistance to victims. For example, during the religious riots in Jos in 2001, CAN played a crucial role in negotiating ceasefires and providing relief to affected communities (Kukah, 2011). CAN’s mediation efforts have not only helped to de-escalate conflicts but have also fostered a sense of trust and cooperation between different religious groups.

Furthermore, CAN has been involved in grassroots peacebuilding initiatives aimed at addressing the root causes of religious conflicts. According to Onapajo (2012), CAN has supported various community-based projects that promote social cohesion and economic development, which are essential for long-term peace. These initiatives include vocational training programs for youth, community development projects, and peace education campaigns. By addressing issues such as poverty and unemployment, which often fuel religious tensions, CAN’s grassroots efforts have contributed to creating more stable and peaceful communities.

Despite its efforts, CAN has faced several challenges in its mission to curb religious crises in Nigeria. One of the main challenges is the politicization of religion, which often exacerbates religious tensions. As noted by Ibrahim (2016), political actors in Nigeria sometimes exploit religious differences for their own gain, making it difficult for organizations like CAN to promote genuine interfaith harmony. Additionally, CAN has had to navigate internal divisions within the Christian community, which can sometimes hinder its ability to present a united front in addressing religious issues.

The Christian Association of Nigeria has made significant contributions to curbing religious crises in Nigeria through its promotion of interfaith dialogue, advocacy for religious tolerance, conflict mediation, and grassroots peacebuilding initiatives. While challenges remain, CAN’s efforts have been crucial in fostering a more peaceful and tolerant society. Future research could further explore the impact of CAN’s initiatives and identify additional strategies for enhancing its effectiveness in promoting religious harmony in Nigeria.


1.2. Statement of the Problem

The religious landscape in Nigeria is marked by a complex interplay of diverse faiths, with Christianity and Islam being the predominant religions. This diversity, while enriching, has also been a source of tension and conflict, often escalating into violent crises. The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), established in 1976, was formed with the primary aim of fostering unity among Christians and providing a collective voice in national matters. Despite its efforts, religious crises have persisted, raising questions about the effectiveness of CAN in mitigating these conflicts. This statement of the problem seeks to explore the impact of CAN in curbing religious crises in Nigeria, examining both its successes and limitations.

One of the critical issues is the extent to which CAN has been able to influence government policies and actions regarding religious conflicts. While CAN has been vocal in condemning violence and advocating for peace, the translation of these advocacies into concrete government actions remains inconsistent. The effectiveness of CAN’s interventions is often hampered by political dynamics and the complex nature of religious conflicts, which are frequently intertwined with ethnic and socio-economic factors. This raises the question of whether CAN’s strategies are adequately addressing the root causes of religious crises or merely responding to their symptoms.

Another significant problem is the internal cohesion within CAN itself. The association comprises various Christian denominations, each with its doctrinal differences and unique perspectives on addressing religious conflicts. These internal differences can sometimes lead to a lack of unified action, weakening CAN’s overall impact. The challenge lies in whether CAN can maintain a cohesive front while respecting the diversity within its membership, and how this internal dynamic affects its ability to curb religious crises effectively.

Furthermore, the perception of CAN’s neutrality and impartiality is crucial in its role as a mediator in religious conflicts. There have been instances where CAN’s actions or statements have been perceived as biased towards Christian interests, potentially exacerbating tensions rather than alleviating them. This perception problem highlights the need for CAN to balance its advocacy for Christian rights with a broader commitment to interfaith dialogue and peacebuilding. The effectiveness of CAN in curbing religious crises is thus partly dependent on its ability to be seen as a fair and impartial actor.

The grassroots impact of CAN’s initiatives is another area of concern. While CAN operates at national and regional levels, the actual implementation of its peacebuilding efforts at the community level is critical. Religious crises often erupt in local communities, and the success of CAN’s interventions depends on their resonance and effectiveness at this level. The problem, therefore, is whether CAN’s strategies are sufficiently localized and whether they engage effectively with community leaders and members to foster lasting peace.

Finally, the sustainability of CAN’s efforts in curbing religious crises is a pressing issue. Religious conflicts in Nigeria are often protracted, requiring long-term strategies and sustained efforts. CAN’s initiatives need to be evaluated not just for their immediate impact but for their long-term effectiveness in fostering a culture of peace and tolerance. This involves assessing the capacity of CAN to maintain its efforts over time, secure necessary resources, and adapt to evolving dynamics of religious conflicts. The problem statement thus encompasses the need for a comprehensive evaluation of CAN’s role, strategies, and sustainability in curbing religious crises in Nigeria.

 Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the impact of Christian association of Nigeria (CAN) in curbing religion crisis in Nigeria. The specific objectives are:

  1. To assess the role of the CAN in promoting interfaith dialogue and understanding among different religious groups in Nigeria.
  2. To examine the initiatives implemented by the CAN to prevent and resolve religious conflicts in the country.
  3. To evaluate the effectiveness of the CAN’s efforts in promoting peace and harmony among religious communities in Nigeria.
  4. To analyze the obstacles faced by the CAN in addressing religious tensions and conflicts in the country.

1.4. Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. How does the Christian Association of Nigeria promote interfaith dialogue and understanding among different religious groups in Nigeria?
  2. What initiatives has the Christian Association of Nigeria implemented to prevent and resolve religious conflicts in the country?
  3. How effective are the CAN’s efforts in promoting peace and harmony among religious communities in Nigeria?
  4. What obstacles does the CAN face in addressing religious tensions and conflicts in the country?

1.5. Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Initiatives implemented by the Christian Association of Nigeria cannot prevent and resolve religious conflicts in the country

H1: Initiatives implemented by the Christian Association of Nigeria can prevent and resolve religious conflicts in the country

 1.6. Significance of the Study

The significance of studying the impact of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) in curbing religious crises in Nigeria cannot be overstated. Nigeria, a country with a diverse religious landscape, has experienced numerous religious conflicts over the years, often resulting in loss of lives, destruction of property, and deep-seated animosities between different religious groups. The role of CAN, as a prominent religious organization, in mitigating these crises is crucial for fostering peace and unity in the nation. By examining CAN’s efforts and strategies, we can gain valuable insights into effective conflict resolution and peacebuilding mechanisms within a multi-religious society.

One of the primary reasons this study is significant is that it highlights the proactive measures taken by CAN to address religious tensions. CAN has been instrumental in promoting interfaith dialogue and understanding among different religious communities. Through various initiatives, such as organizing interfaith conferences, workshops, and seminars, CAN has created platforms for open communication and mutual respect. These efforts have not only helped to de-escalate potential conflicts but have also built bridges of trust and cooperation between Christians and adherents of other faiths.

Furthermore, the study sheds light on the role of CAN in advocating for justice and human rights. Religious crises in Nigeria are often fueled by perceived injustices and marginalization of certain groups. CAN has been vocal in condemning acts of violence and discrimination, regardless of the perpetrators’ religious affiliations. By standing up for the rights of all citizens and calling for accountability, CAN has contributed to a more just and equitable society. This advocacy work is essential in addressing the root causes of religious conflicts and preventing their recurrence.

The impact of CAN’s peacebuilding efforts extends beyond immediate conflict resolution. By fostering a culture of peace and tolerance, CAN has contributed to the long-term stability and development of Nigeria. Religious conflicts can have far-reaching consequences, including economic disruptions, displacement of communities, and hindered social progress. CAN’s initiatives, therefore, play a vital role in creating an environment conducive to sustainable development. This study underscores the importance of religious organizations in nation-building and their potential to drive positive change.

Moreover, the study of CAN’s impact provides valuable lessons for other countries facing similar challenges. Religious conflicts are not unique to Nigeria; many nations grapple with tensions arising from religious diversity. By analyzing CAN’s strategies and successes, policymakers, religious leaders, and peacebuilders in other contexts can draw inspiration and adapt these approaches to their own situations. The study, therefore, has broader implications for global peace and security, demonstrating the universal relevance of interfaith cooperation and dialogue.

The significance of studying the impact of the Christian Association of Nigeria in curbing religious crises lies in its potential to inform and inspire effective peacebuilding efforts. CAN’s proactive measures, advocacy for justice, and promotion of interfaith dialogue have made substantial contributions to mitigating religious conflicts in Nigeria. By examining these efforts, we gain a deeper understanding of the role of religious organizations in fostering peace and unity. This study not only highlights the importance of CAN’s work but also offers valuable insights for addressing religious conflicts in diverse societies worldwide.

1.7. Scope of the Study

The study examines the impact of Christian Association of Nigeria in curbing religion crisis in Nigeria. The study will be limited the Abuja Chapter of CAN.

1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

Impact: Impact refers to the strong effect or influence that something has on a situation or person. In the context of your study, it would mean the measurable or observable changes brought about by the actions of the Christian Association of Nigeria in addressing religious crises.

Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN): The Christian Association of Nigeria is an umbrella organization that represents numerous Christian denominations in Nigeria. Founded in 1976, CAN aims to promote unity among Christians, advocate for their rights, and engage in dialogue with the government and other religious groups to foster peace and understanding.

Curbing: Curbing means to control, limit, or reduce something undesirable. In this context, it refers to the efforts and measures taken to reduce or manage religious crises in Nigeria.

Religion Crisis: A religion crisis refers to conflicts, tensions, or violence that arise due to religious differences or issues. In Nigeria, such crises often involve clashes between different religious groups, particularly between Christians and Muslims, leading to social unrest, loss of lives, and property damage.