Full Project – Design and implementation of an online student project defense score sheet generating system

Full Project – Design and implementation of an online student project defense score sheet generating system

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This research project is centered on design and implementation of an online student project defends score sheet generating system. Gombrich (1995). Work outline Computerization is a tool that can be used to facilitate records management and archival functions .Many functions in life can be computerized, including washing clothes or dishes using washing machines, transporting goods using cars or trucks, or adding up lists of numbers using calculators.  In this module, computerization of record keeping refers to the use of computers to manage the administrative and information processing tasks in records offices, institutions, records Centre’s, and archival institutions. My kity shy (2002) stated that if used wisely, computers can assist records personnel in managing records better to ensure their continued value as evidence. Computerization can help organizations implement authentic and reliable record-keeping practices, through the improved tracking of records through their life cycle as well as the consistent application of records schedules and descriptive standards. Martin (2007) stated that    maintaining evidence through authentic and reliable records is a cornerstone of good business practice and helps to ensure a valuable record for society.

Azer, S(2007),work outline Computerization record keeping refers to a variety of applications using computer technology using   generic software, such as adobe Dreamweaver, and SQL database applications, or specially written records management applications.

Kaufman(2002),outline  The   Computerize record keeping can be stand alone, or linked using networks   such as a local area network(LAN),wide area network( WAN) ,intranets, or the Internet, and can use a wide range of peripheral devices such as scanners, bar code readers and printers.

Record keeping is very vital in businesses; private and public organizations, this enable internal reporting mostly produced manually and only periodically, as a by-product of the accounting and information system and with some additional statistics, and gave limited and delayed information on management performance. Data is organized manually according to the requirements and necessity of most organizations. As computational technology developed, information began to be distinguished from data and systems were developed to produce and organize abstractions, summaries, relationships and generalizations based on the data.

Early business computers were used for simple operations such as tracking sales or record keeping, with little detail or structure. Over time, these computer applications became more complex, hardware storage capacities grew, and technologies improved for connecting previously isolated applications. As more and more data was stored and linked, managers sought greater detail as well as greater abstraction with the aim of creating entire management reports from the raw stored data. The term “MIS” arose to describe such applications providing managers with information about sales, inventories, and other data that would help in managing the enterprise.


In Abdu Gusau  Polytechnic  Talata Mafara, the management face a lot of problem once it comes to project defend time ,issued on  compiling student score during the defends, because of the process is manually, hence there is a need for automation of student project  defends score sheet  generating  system ,presently using manual system in their data processing; this involves the use of people, pens and papers in records keeping. This method of data processing reveals a number of problems which includes:

  • Records to be kept in are often too large, diversified and complex to be processed manually.
  • Most often some names are omitted as a result of manual processing
  • The manual work could get missing or destroyed either by fire outbreak or lack of proper care taken.
  • Immediate access to management information is often difficult.




The   aim of this project is to design and implement of an online student project defends score sheet generating   system

The followings are the objectives of this project

  • To design an automated project score sheet generating system
  • To develop an algorithm that will be used in the implementation of the designing automated project score sheet generating system
  • To test the developed system.
  • To design and implement a central database system that would serve as database for keeping records of each project scores in the department.
  • To create an avenue where work becomes less stressful in searching for student project defends score sheet data.
  • To create a system that will eradicate the user  stress  during the student project  defends
  • To develop a system that can be use to request and respond which is based on what you request from database will be view out.
  • To have a more efficient work output at faster level.


The scope of this work is to eradicate the existing problem in time of student score generating using manual method for assigning student score.


Many factors have limited this study, some of these factors are:

TIME – The time allocated to research work for this study was greatly constrained due to intense academic activities involving the researcher.

FINANCE – The major constraints for this study occurred in the form of inadequate funds.  The present high cost of material, access to a personal computer unit for running and debugging of the application program, transportation expenses to and fro the site of computer etc. militated against the smooth and easy advancement of the work.


Viewing critically the inefficiencies in the manual method of issuing project defends score sheet to student presently used at Abdu Gusau Polytechnic, the need to develop and implement computer based project score sheet generating system that will handle such inefficiencies cannot be over emphasized. Since every organization wishes to improve on its current status as advances in information Technology is very imminent, the study is therefore to improve   society by providing a means of work to demonstrate how the needs of project defends score sheet and also in other to bring advance technology to the school when it comes to project defends score sheet.


Automation: The replacement of human workers by technology; A system in which a workplace or process has been converted to one that replaced or ministries human labor with electronic or mechanical equipment.

Record: A unit of grouped data within a file that contain information of a specific nature.

Flowchart: A diagram or a sequence of steps, which represent a solution of a problem. Arrows are used to indicate the flow of sequence.

Software: this is the control and co-ordinate the activities of the computer hardware and that direct the processing of data.

MIS: – Management information system are software solutions that  help managers run companies, i.e. organize staff records, keep record sales and reports etc.

System: – a set of integrated, interacting component with a common goal. Thus the integrated interaction of human ware, software and computer hardware constitute a system

Database System: A computerized record keeping system whose overall purpose is to store information and allow users to retrieve and update that information on demand

Data: This is the collection of raw facts

Retrieval: Obtaining stored information from the computer system.

Computer: It is an electronic device that has the capacity of accepting incoming data, it process the data with an electronic speed and gives out its result accurately.


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Full Project – Design and implementation of an online student project defense score sheet generating system