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This study explored the influence of area boys on behavioural disorder among adolescents of Shomolu Local Government Area of Lagos State. Descriptive research survey design was employed for the assessment of the opinions of the selected respondents, with the adoption of questionnaire. Three hundred representatives were selected in this study, to represent the entire population of the study. One null hypothesis were formulated and tested with the application of the independent Chi Square statistical tool at 0.05 level of significance.
The result showed that:  A significant difference exists between the activities of the area boys and the level of adolescents’ study habits. All the hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Based on the results obtained in this study, it is recommended that Government should look into the activities of the area boys and girls in Nigeria, particularly, in Shomolu Local Government Area. It is important to note that most of the area boys are graduates, and some of them are professionals. Therefore, both the states and federal governments should ensure that these men and women are carefully catered for, by way of employing them and keeping them busy, because an idle hand or mind, they say, is the devil’s workshop. So, they should be rehabilitated for them to change and turn a new leaf.



1.1    Background to the Study

Lagos city is a meeting point of different ethnic groups from various parts of the country as well as people from other parts of the world. This city as in most cities of developing countries, has the existence of a wide divide between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’ which gave birth to a situation of apparent existence of affluence and poverty. The city also prides itself with the abundance of different sub-cultural groups in the state. One of such sub-cultural groups is the phenomenon of ‘Area Boys’ sub-cultural group, whose activities to some extent constitutes social problems to all and sundry in the state.

Lagos today, is one of such urban centres where this culture is predominant and, it seems to be assuming a dangerous proportion.   In the past, especially during the 1960s, one would agree that it is a matter of pride to be called a Lagos boy, ‘OmoEko’. It can be said, also, that it is a matter of pride to be known as a boy from a particular area of the city such as IsaleEko, Campus Square, Idumagba, Olowogbowo, IsaleOfin and Lafiaji. Hence it was common then to see people being identified with their areas of residence. This type of identification gave momentum to a sense of belongingness, which encouraged competition in all walks of life, particularly imports and commercial activities. However, all  these may not suggest that every boy or girl in Lagos then was well behaved or good mannered. There were pockets of juvenile delinquents regarded  as “the do nothing” who were involved in petty theft and other various juvenile crimes.

The phenomenon of “Area Boys” in urban areas, particularly in Nigeria, has been a subject of sociological and psychological interest for many years. “Area Boys” are typically young men who engage in various forms of street-level activities, often involving petty crime, extortion, and other antisocial behaviors. Their influence on adolescents, who are in a critical developmental stage, is a growing concern. This literature review explores the existing research on how the presence and activities of “Area Boys” contribute to behavioral disorders among adolescents.

The emergence of “Area Boys” is closely linked to socioeconomic factors such as poverty, unemployment, and lack of access to education. According to Olutayo and Omobowale (2006), the economic downturns and structural adjustments in Nigeria have exacerbated these issues, leading to an increase in the number of youths turning to street life. These socioeconomic conditions create an environment where adolescents are more susceptible to the influence of “Area Boys,” who often become role models for survival in a harsh urban landscape.

The psychological impact of associating with “Area Boys” can be profound. Adolescents who interact with these groups are often exposed to violence, substance abuse, and criminal activities. A study by Atilola (2012) found that adolescents in such environments exhibit higher levels of anxiety, depression, and conduct disorders. The constant exposure to negative behaviors and the need to conform to the group’s norms can lead to the development of antisocial personality traits and other behavioral disorders.

The influence of “Area Boys” extends to the academic performance of adolescents. Research by Adeyemo (2007) indicates that students who are involved with or influenced by “Area Boys” tend to have lower academic achievements and higher dropout rates. The disruptive behaviors and the prioritization of street activities over schoolwork contribute to this decline. This academic underperformance further limits future opportunities, perpetuating a cycle of poverty and antisocial behavior.

Various intervention and rehabilitation programs have been proposed to mitigate the influence of “Area Boys” on adolescents. Programs that focus on providing education, vocational training, and psychological support have shown promise. For instance, the work of Ezeh and Gage (2000) highlights the success of community-based initiatives that engage both the adolescents and the “Area Boys” in constructive activities. These programs aim to reintegrate the youths into society and provide them with alternatives to street life.

The influence of “Area Boys” on the behavioral disorders among adolescents is a multifaceted issue that requires a holistic approach. Addressing the socioeconomic factors, providing psychological support, and implementing effective intervention programs are essential steps in mitigating this influence. Continued research and policy efforts are needed to create a supportive environment for adolescents to thrive and develop into well-adjusted adults.

1.2   Statement of the Problem

The reality of “Area Boys” in the country comes with its attendant shortcomings. Adolescents in the society have come to accept the norms and values held by the “Area-Boys”, sadly, these adolescents are ones that will later become the future leaders. This negative behaviour exhibited by the adolescents is carried on to the adulthood. Thus, the occurrence of physical assaults by the leaders of virtually all the legislative arms of government in the country, other misdeamenour are displayed by the leaders of the country and this has earned the nation a negative image at home and abroad.   The “Area Boys” concept is gradually assuming a national prominence and this calls for a thorough study to understand the circumstance that necessitates its emergence and acceptance by the writer populace, especially, the adolescents in the society.

Adolescents are at a stage in life where they are highly impressionable and are actively seeking identity and belonging. The allure of Area Boys, who often project an image of toughness, independence, and defiance of societal norms, can be particularly appealing to young people. This attraction can lead adolescents to emulate the behaviors and attitudes of these groups, which may include aggression, substance abuse, truancy, and other forms of delinquency. The normalization of such behaviors within the peer group can create an environment where negative behaviors are not only accepted but also encouraged.


The impact of Area Boys on adolescents is not limited to direct interactions. The pervasive presence of these groups in certain neighborhoods can create a climate of fear and instability, which can indirectly affect the mental health and behavior of young people. Adolescents living in areas dominated by Area Boys may experience heightened levels of stress and anxiety, which can contribute to the development of behavioral disorders. The constant exposure to violence and criminal activities can desensitize young people to such behaviors, making them more likely to engage in similar activities themselves.

Furthermore, the influence of Area Boys can undermine the efforts of parents, schools, and community organizations to instill positive values and behaviors in adolescents. When young people see Area Boys as role models or authority figures, they may become resistant to the guidance and discipline provided by more traditional sources of authority. This can lead to conflicts within families and schools, further exacerbating behavioral issues. The challenge for parents and educators is to counteract the negative influence of Area Boys and provide adolescents with positive role models and support systems.

The problem is compounded by the socio-economic conditions that give rise to the phenomenon of Area Boys. High levels of poverty, unemployment, and lack of access to quality education and recreational facilities create an environment where young people are more likely to be drawn into the activities of Area Boys. Addressing the influence of Area Boys on adolescents requires a multi-faceted approach that includes improving socio-economic conditions, providing better educational and recreational opportunities, and strengthening community support systems.

The influence of Area Boys on the behavioral disorders among adolescents is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires comprehensive and coordinated efforts to address. It involves understanding the socio-economic factors that contribute to the rise of these groups, the psychological impact on adolescents, and the ways in which communities can work together to provide positive alternatives and support for young people. By addressing these issues, it is possible to mitigate the negative influence of Area Boys and promote healthier behavioral development among adolescents.

1.3   Purpose of the Study

The objectives of this study were to:

(1)        Investigate the influence of “Area-Boys” on the level of study habit exhibited by the adolescents.

(2)        Find out the influence of “Area-Boys” on the degree of their moral values displayed in the community.

(3)        Examine the influence of “Area-Boys” on the level of their desire to watch pornographic films.

 1.4   Research Questions

The questions that were asked and which answers are sought for, in this study are:

(1)        Will there be any significant influence of the “Area-Boys” on the level of study habit exhibited by the adolescent?

(2)        Can there be any significant influence of the activities of the “Area-Boys” on the degree of their moral values?

(3)        Will there be any significant influence of the activities of the “Area-Boys” on their desire for pornographic films?

 1.5   Hypotheses

The hypotheses so generated in this study were:
Ho: There will be no significant difference between the activities of the area boys and the level of study habit exhibited by the adolescents in school.
H1: There is significant difference between the activities of the area boys and the level of study habit exhibited by the adolescents in school.

 1.6  Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will be of great benefits to:
The Federal and State Ministry of Information and  Communication. It will afford the Ministry, the opportunity of understanding the need to re-absorb the  “Area-Boys” into the main stream society, so as to reduce the effect of the “Area-Boys” on the citizens, especially the adolescent youths who are the strength of the society.

The Federal and State Ministry of Youth and Sport will see this study a veritable instrument in solving the problem of area boys in Lagos State.

Private and Corporate Organisations interested in having more insight into how to provide social responsibility initiatives will find this work resourceful.

 1.7   Scope of the Study

This study looked into the activities of the “Area-Boys” in Shomolu Local Government Area, Lagos State and its influence on the behaviour of the adolescent.

1.8   Definition of Terms

Area-Boys: Group of young criminals who terrorize their neighbourhood and engages in violent criminal activities within Lagos Metropolis.
Alaye: Owner of the world and one in charge of Lagos environs.
Influence: The effect that somebody or something has on the way a person thinks or behaves.

Behavioural Disorder: A behavioral disorder is a type of mental health condition that affects the way a person behaves, making it difficult for them to conduct themselves in socially acceptable ways. These disorders can manifest as persistent patterns of disruptive, aggressive, or defiant behaviors. Examples include Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), and Conduct Disorder (CD). Behavioral disorders can significantly impact an individual’s social, academic, and personal life.

Adolescents: Adolescents are individuals in the transitional stage of development between childhood and adulthood, typically ranging from ages 10 to 19. This period is characterized by rapid physical, emotional, and cognitive changes. Adolescents are in the process of developing their identities, gaining independence, and establishing their roles in society. This stage is crucial for setting the foundation for future health and well-being.

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