Full Project – Nigeria Security Agencies And Human Rights Violation. A Study Of The Nigeria Custom Services Seme Border Lagos

Full Project – Nigeria Security Agencies And Human Rights Violation. A Study Of The Nigeria Custom Services Seme Border Lagos

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The issue of human rights violation by security agencies in Nigeria has been a subject of concern for both local and international human rights organizations. According to Amnesty International (2019), there have been numerous reports of extrajudicial killings, torture, and other ill-treatment perpetrated by security agencies, including the police and military. The report further states that these violations often go unpunished, creating a culture of impunity within the security forces. This is corroborated by Human Rights Watch (2020), which also highlights the use of excessive force and arbitrary arrests, particularly in the context of the government’s response to the Boko Haram insurgency and other security challenges.

The Nigerian government has often justified these actions on the grounds of maintaining law and order and combating terrorism. However, scholars such as Akinola (2018) argue that these actions often exacerbate the security situation, as they alienate communities and fuel resentment towards the state. This, in turn, can lead to further violence and instability. Akinola further posits that the lack of accountability for these violations is a significant factor contributing to the persistence of these abuses.

The role of the judiciary in addressing these violations has also been a subject of debate. According to Okeke and Uzochukwu (2019), the Nigerian judiciary has often been unable to effectively hold security agencies accountable due to a combination of factors, including corruption, lack of independence, and inadequate resources. This has resulted in a lack of faith in the judicial process and a culture of impunity within the security forces.

The impact of these human rights violations on Nigeria’s international relations has also been significant. According to Adebajo and Mustapha (2014), these violations have strained Nigeria’s relations with key international partners, including the United States and the European Union, who have expressed concern about the country’s human rights record. This has implications for Nigeria’s international standing and its ability to attract foreign investment.

Efforts to address these issues have been met with mixed success. The Nigerian government has taken steps to reform the security sector, including the establishment of the Police Service Commission and the National Human Rights Commission. However, according to Akinola (2018), these institutions have been hampered by a lack of political will, inadequate resources, and resistance from within the security forces.

The issue of human rights violations by security agencies in Nigeria is a complex and multifaceted problem. It is clear that a comprehensive approach is needed, involving not only legal and institutional reforms but also efforts to address the underlying social, economic, and political factors that contribute to these abuses. This will require the concerted efforts of all stakeholders, including the government, civil society, and the international community.

The nation’s security services constitute a fundamental part of the society which   cannot be dispense with since they exist to secure lives and properties. This is the reason why it is, ironical that the people who are supposed to safe-guard and protect turn are those violating the rights of the citizen. The security services in Nigeria include Army, Air Force and Navy; The Nigeria Police Force; The State Security Services (SSS), Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps. The Nigerian Prisons Service. The Nigerian Customs Service, immigration service etc. Their functions include the preservation of law and order, detection of crime within Nigeria, maintenance of internal security, the protection and preservation of the lives of the citizen, etc. Human Rights have been variously defined; Nnamdi J. Aduba defined Human Rights as those rights inherent in the nature of human persons. This is the right which defines humanity and ensures that they remain sacred. They also exist to prevent inhumanity and injustice against the rights of individuals.

Human Rights are backed by the provisions of the law. Therefore the infringement of these rights constitute the violation of Human Rights. The violation of Human Rights is to deny individuals their fundamental moral entitlements, respect and dignity such as the act of genocide, torture, slavery, rape, deliberate starvation etc.

Human rights violations constitute a great challenge in many developing nations and the Nigerian security services have in recent times been accused of human right violation. The study seeks to proffer an appraisal of   Nigeria security agencies and human rights violation. A study of the Nigeria custom services SEME Border, Lagos.


Hello. The problem of human rights violation by security agencies in Nigeria is a pressing issue that has been a subject of concern both nationally and internationally. The security agencies, which include the police, the military, and other law enforcement bodies, are mandated to protect the rights and lives of citizens. However, there have been numerous reports and allegations of these agencies engaging in acts that violate the fundamental human rights of the citizens they are supposed to protect. These violations range from unlawful arrests and detentions to torture, extrajudicial killings, and other forms of inhumane treatment.

The second aspect of the problem lies in the systemic nature of these violations. They are not isolated incidents but rather a pattern of behavior that has been ingrained in the operations of these security agencies. This systemic violation of human rights is often justified by the agencies as necessary measures to maintain law and order, especially in the face of rising insecurity and insurgency in the country. However, these justifications do not excuse the blatant disregard for the rights and dignity of the Nigerian citizens.

The third issue is the lack of accountability for these violations. Despite the numerous reports and allegations, there is often little to no consequence for the perpetrators. This lack of accountability not only perpetuates the problem but also creates a culture of impunity within these agencies. The absence of effective checks and balances to regulate the actions of these security agencies further exacerbates the problem.

The fourth issue is the impact of these violations on the trust between the citizens and the security agencies. The continuous violation of human rights by these agencies has eroded the public’s trust in them. This lack of trust makes it difficult for these agencies to effectively carry out their duties as citizens are less likely to cooperate with them. This, in turn, undermines the overall security situation in the country.

The fifth issue is the international implications of these violations. Nigeria, as a member of the international community, is bound by various international human rights laws and conventions. The continuous violation of human rights by its security agencies puts the country at odds with these international obligations. This not only tarnishes the country’s image internationally but also has potential legal and economic implications.

The problem of human rights violation by security agencies in Nigeria is a complex issue that requires urgent attention. It is a problem that goes beyond the individual acts of violation to include systemic issues within the security agencies, lack of accountability, erosion of public trust, and international implications. Addressing this problem requires a holistic approach that not only focuses on punishing the perpetrators but also on reforming the security agencies and restoring the public’s trust in them.

The increase level of criminal activities, terrorism and insurgency in the country has led to high level of loss of properties and lives. The security agencies in Nigeria are faced with the challenge of maintaining law and order in different parts of the country. However there has been incidence of human right violation where some security personnel have been accused of brutality and massacre of the civilian citizens as well as the violation of press freedom in Nigeria. Despite the transition from military to civilian rule in 1999, clampdowns assault, beatings unfair arrests and police raids against producers of print media have continued.  Therefore the problem confronting the study is to proffer an appraisal of   Nigeria security agencies and human rights violation. A study of the Nigeria custom services SEME Border, Lagos.


The fundamental objective of the study is to proffer an appraisal of   Nigeria security agencies and human rights violation. A study of the Nigeria custom services SEME Border, Lagos; The specific objectives of the study include;

1 To determine the nature of human rights violation.

2 To determine the role Nigeria security agencies in human rights violation.

3 To determine the role of Nigeria custom services SEME Border, Lagos in human rights violation.


1 What is the nature of human rights violation?

2 What is the role Nigeria security agencies in human rights violation?

3What is the role of Nigeria custom services SEME Border, Lagos.

in human rights violation?

1.5. Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement is buttressed below:

Ho: The Nigeria security agencies does not fight against human rights violation.

H1: The Nigeria security agencies fight against human rights violation



The study of human rights violations by Nigerian security agencies, with a specific focus on the Nigeria Custom Services at the Seme Border in Lagos, holds significant importance for several reasons. Firstly, it provides a comprehensive understanding of the extent and nature of human rights abuses perpetrated by these agencies. This knowledge is crucial in identifying the gaps in the current system and formulating effective strategies to address them.

Secondly, this study is significant as it sheds light on the experiences of individuals at the hands of the Nigeria Custom Services at the Seme Border. By documenting these experiences, the study provides a platform for these voices to be heard, thereby raising awareness about the issue and prompting action from relevant authorities.

Thirdly, the study is instrumental in evaluating the effectiveness of existing laws and regulations in protecting human rights. It can reveal whether these laws are being enforced and if they are sufficient in preventing human rights abuses. This could lead to recommendations for legal reforms, if necessary.

Fourthly, the study can serve as a valuable resource for human rights organizations, both local and international. The findings can guide their advocacy efforts, helping them to target their resources and strategies more effectively. It can also provide them with concrete evidence to support their claims, thereby strengthening their campaigns.

Fifthly, the study has implications for the training and conduct of security agencies in Nigeria. By highlighting the specific ways in which these agencies violate human rights, the study can inform the development of training programs aimed at promoting respect for human rights among security personnel.

Lastly, the study is significant for policy-making. The insights gained from the study can inform the development of policies aimed at preventing human rights abuses by security agencies. It can also guide the implementation of these policies, ensuring that they are effective in achieving their intended outcomes.

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