Full Project – extent use of instructional material in teaching and learning of christian religious studies in junior secondary school (a case study of enugu north local government area)

Full Project – extent use of instructional material in teaching and learning of christian religious studies in junior secondary school (a case study of enugu north local government area)

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This study was undertaken to ascertain the extent of use of instructional materials in teaching and learning of C.R.S  in Enugu North Local Government Area in Enugu State. Three research questions and one hypothesis were used as guide. The literature was reviewed under four subheadings which include: The specific objectives included; To determine the degree of the use of instructional materials in teaching and learning of Christian religious studies in junior secondary schools in Enugu North local government area of Enugu State; To find out the level of the use of instructional materials in teaching and learning of Christian religious studies in junior secondary schools in Enugu North local government area of      Enugu State; To examine whether the male and female differences affect the extent of use of the instructional materials in teaching and         learning of Christian religious studies in junior secondary schools in Enugu North local government area of Enugu State; To ascertain whether the difference in the education of the     teachers affect the extent of the use of instructional          materials in teaching and learning of Christian religious studies      in junior secondary schools in Enugu North local government     area of Enugu State; and To make useful recommendations based on the findings of this study. This study adopted a descriptive survey design.     The population of this study comprises of all junior senior secondary school students of the selected schools which was about 250 students. The sampling technique used in the study was simple random sampling technique. This method was chosen because it gives the subjects in the population equal chance of being selected. A sample size of (150) one hundred and eighty was used. This number was randomly selected form the total population of 550 respondents.   The data were treated statistically in accordance with research questions generated earlier in chapter one of this study. T-test method tool was used to test the research hypotheses. All data were coded using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The study recommended that there is need for the school managers to not only organize, but encourage CRS teachers to attend workshops and seminars because the job of moulding human behavior is dynamic; hence regular attendance to seminars will equip them, with new approaches and methods for effective implementation of CRS curriculum among students. it is concluded that the factors affecting the performance teaching and learning of CRS is lack of effective implementation of the subject. The challenges ranging from poor understanding of pedagogical and theological aims of the subject, societal moral decadence, lack of passion and love for students and the job, poor communication technique to vast and abstract nature of subject.



1.1    Background of the Study

Christian Religious Studies (CRS) is one of the major subjects missionaries bequeathed to Nigerian education system on the establishment of schools by the 19th century missionaries. The aim was to train people who will be of immense help to the colonial trinity goals (God/Christianity, government/colonization and Gold/commerce). In other to achieve the above, the major curriculum contents of their educational system were Bible knowledge, Arithmetic and English language for communication. To implement fully the contents, adequate attention was given to the understanding of the place of God in man’s life (Nsongo, 2001). During the missionary era, bible knowledge otherwise known as CRS was the core subject. Subsequently, after independence, government took over schools; there was a clarion call for review of curriculum in 1983. The call was as a result of criticisms leveled against colonial education, which some scholars viewed as being too arts oriented and as such lacked relevance to Nigeria upliftment, political emancipation and infrastructural development (Ocho, 2005). Ocho further explained that the situation led to the modification of the curriculum with greater emphasis on sciences and technological subjects.

For effective teaching to take place adequate considerations must be given to the teacher’s skill, the learners’ preparedness to learn, the teaching/learning environment, and the curriculum in addition to such external variables as government education policies, supervision/ monitoring exercise. These factors combine to give rise to effective teaching of any subject at whatever level of education.

Effectiveness of Christian Religious Knowledge (CRK) teaching becomes very important when one considers the indispensable position of the discipline in human socio-cultural, economic, spiritual and moral development. This feat is acknowledged by Federal Republic of Nigeria (2004) which placed Religious Studies as one of the core subjects in Group A at the Senior Secondary level. This is probably because Religion goes a long way to determining individual behaviour and aspiration, which in turn determines not only developmental strides of the society but also its internal harmony.

Christian perspective to Religious Studies does not deviate from the general functional roles of religion in the society, such as its efficacy in transcending personal and divisive forces in human society. Through shared symbols, values, norms and doctrines, religion, including Christian religion, provides a forum for people to unite to form integrated groups based on seemingly unfathomable mysteries of human existence.

Specifically, CRK teaching is believed to be capable of instilling in the Nigerian youth the required and desired knowledge, values, behaviours, attitudes and skills that would ensure their effective adaptation in an ever-changing multi-faith and multiethnic society, Nigeria, (Eluu, 2011). Obilom in Eluu (2011) equally holds that CRK curriculum is designed to teach not only the content of the holy book but also the moral lessons desirable therefrom.

Learning has to do with the application and integration of the knowledge acquired in a particular unit of instruction. Learning outcomes according to Obanya (2004) are statements that describe significant and essential learning which learners have acquired and can reliably demonstrate at the end of a course or program. The desired or expected learning outcomes of CRS study is on the attainment of ethical and moral behavior of school pupils, in other words, building up the moral character of an individual using example of Christian religion values rather than mere precepts. The main aim of including CRS into Nigerian education curriculum therefore is to advance Christian moral virtues in the lives of school pupils. Most often those desired outcomes do not manifest in some pupils’ behaviours judging from the rate of immorality observable in schools and the society at large.

According to Cronbac (2007), the use of instructional materials during teaching and learning process can appeal to the individual attention among students by creating interest. Indeed, instructional material provide concepts and attitudes to the student which improved his skills, ability to reason and make him/her informed about what is going on in the global village. Education has helped to bring the entire world into an entity through the information and knowledge education has helped us to achieve.



1.2    Statement of the Problem

Nigerian society today like other nations of the world is undergoing through some aspect of moral decadence or moral degradation associated with world-wide development. The moral status of the society has reached to the level one could ask what role multiple religious groups play in building up moral society. The moral ills identified among the secondary school pupils have raised questions on the efficacy of religious studies on shaping moral behavior. CRS curriculum review of 1983 included inculcation of moral values in the content in order to address challenges of moral behaviour among students, but the aim seems to be under siege.

Scholars like Njoku (2012) attributed the breakdown in moral behaviour of the school students to teachers’ attitude and government lack of commitment to the teaching of CRS as some that are committed do not handle the subject well, which has made it almost impossible for learners to attain the set goals. It is against this background that the researcher sought to find out if appropriate selection and effective use of teaching methods could enhance attainment of desired learning outcomes in the students’ lives.


The main objective of this study is to investigate the extent of use instructional materials in teaching and learning of Christian religious studies in junior secondary schools in Enugu North local government area of Enugu State. The specific objectives included;

(i)      To determine the degree of the use of instructional materials in          teaching and learning of Christian religious studies in junior      secondary schools in Enugu North local government area of       Enugu State.

(ii)     To find out the level of the use of instructional materials in        teaching and learning of Christian religious studies in junior secondary schools in Enugu North local government area of       Enugu State.

(iii)    To examine whether the male and female differences affect the          extent of use of the instructional materials in teaching and      learning of Christian religious studies in junior secondary   schools in Enugu North local government area of Enugu State.

(iv)    To ascertain whether the difference in the education of the        teachers affect the extent of the use of instructional        materials in teaching and learning of Christian religious studies in junior secondary schools in Enugu North local government       area of Enugu State.

  1. To make useful recommendations based on the findings of this study.


1.4    Research Questions

The following research questions addressed and guide the study:

(i)      To what extent do teachers make use of instructional materials in teaching and learning of Christian religious studies in junior secondary schools in Enugu North local government area of       Enugu State?

(ii)     To what extent does the use of instructional materials in   teaching and learning of Christian religious studies in junior     secondary schools in Enugu North local government area of       Enugu State?

(iii)    Do male and female differences of the teachers influence the     extent of usage of the instructional materials in teaching and   learning of Christian religious studies in junior secondary   schools in Enugu North local government area of Enugu State?

(iv)    Do differences in the qualifications of the teachers influence the         extent of usage of instructional materials in teaching and      learning of Christian religious studies in junior secondary   schools in Enugu North local government area of Enugu State?


1.5    Research Hypotheses

This study was guided by the following null hypotheses which were tested at 0.05 level of significance.

H01:  There is no significance difference in the mean scores of male   and female teachers in the use of instructional materials in       teaching and learning of Christian religious studies in junior       secondary schools in Enugu North local government area of    Enugu State.

H02:  There are no significant differences between the mean scores    of trained and untrained Christian religious studies teachers in       the use of the instructional materials in teaching and         learning of Christian religious studies in junior secondary    schools in Enugu North local government area of Enugu State.


1.6    Significance of the Study

It is hoped that this study will inspire teachers and inspectors of the State and Federal Ministries of Education to improve their competence and performance by adopting instructional materials to suit their proper use in the classroom. This will improve the teaching and learning of Christian religious studies in particular and other subjects in general. This study also will help educational planners to lay more emphasis on teachers’ use of the instructional materials when drawing up an Christian religious studies curriculum. The Federal Ministry of Education and State Education Commission, when recommending text books for Christian religious studies, should ensure that text books should contain CD ROMS, films and tape recorded work of the same text books and that teachers should be made to have and use materials such materials should be available for the teachers’ use in the classrooms. Finally, this study shows that each of the students has absolute control of his potentials and as such is capable of developing his potentials and attain high academic excellence commensurate with those potentials through the use of audio – visual ads.


1.7    Scope of the Study

This study was carried out in all the secondary schools in Enugu North Local Government Area. The study investigated the extent of use of instructional materials in teaching and learning of Christian religious studies in junior secondary schools in Enugu North local government area of Enugu State.


1.8    Limitation of the Study

         There is no study undertaken by a researcher that is perfect. The imperfection of any research is always due to some factors negatively affecting a researcher in the course of carrying out research.  Therefore, time constraint has shown no mercy to the research. The limited time has to be shared among many alternative uses, which includes reading, attending lectures and writing of this research, also distance and its attendant costs of travelling to obtain information which may enhance the writing of this study was a major limitation

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